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We will FEAR NOT, but instead remain resilient in our Faith and Defiant in the face of Wickedness. ~ Donald John Trump

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A large portion of those who didn’t vote are gun owners, hunters, shooters. Don’t just cry about them coming for our second amendment. Do something about it.
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Rebellion Against Tyrants is Obedience to God
~ Benjamin Franklin ~

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American Made Gun Shims
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America's Largest Gun Shim Company Since 2008


We Manufacture the Widest Selection of Gun Shims to be Found Anywhere on the Planet

100% American Family Owned

Shively Sales - Manufacturer of
TriggerShims Brand
Gun Shims
Michigan Center, Michigan

"Better to be poor and honest than to be dishonest and rich." Proverbs 28:6

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Customer Reviews and Testimonials

To leave a Review or Comment, use Email and in Subject Line write "Review"

A Note from the Kindest and Wisest Gunsmith I Ever Met;
Lance, Your Shims are The Best!!
- Ralph the Gunsmith

Lance and Tammy, What a great web site and a super product. I have shimmed up two ruger 10/22's and ordered more for others. Just ordered shims for my Ruger Wrangler and looking forward to installing them Thanks again Mark in Montana

I would like to thank you for all the help in finding a solution for bolt shims to fit my old Remington target rifles. The easy solution for you was to simply say, I'm sorry but I don't make a shim for that model. You, however, took the high road and not only worked out a shim solution for me, but found information on bolt disassembly that I failed to find. I was impressed by your devotion to satisfy your customer, and your willingness to help until it was completed. Finding a business owner with that kind of dedication and willingness to talk directly to the customer is scary hard to find these days. I would also like to thank Elijah at "Day at the range", because he is the one that actually tried, tested and gave information as to where to find you guys. I am forever greatful Lance, that I made your acquaintance and when I start my Ruger 10-22 project, you will hear from me again.
God Bless and good shooting! Todd in VA

Lance I wanted to leave you with a review of your fine services..... I own a Taurus .454 Raging Bull that had some play in the trigger and hammer assembly. I came across TriggerShims website. I look through all the shim kits for Taurus but did not see any shims listed for my RB 454. At this time I thought to bad they do not make them for my gun because these are exactly what I need. After a couple days thinking about the shims I decided to email this company and see if they might have shims for another make of gun that could be used on mine. Will the next day I got a reply from the owner of trigger shims Lance is his name. Lance stated they did not make the shims for a Taurus Raging Bull. But he asked me if I could measure both the hammer pin and trigger pin with precision. This was not a problem since I am an old school machinist by trade. Lance said if I could do that he could make the shims. Long story short Lance custom made shims for my gun the fit was perfect. It was a true pleasure to do business with Lance and trigger shims. This is a man who truly believes in the customer comes first. There are a lot of companies in the United States that could learn something from Lance. And that is Customer Service is first. Thank You, Tom

My shim order was for my recently purchased, used Dan Wesson 15-2, .357 Small Frame. No matter how I adjusted the barrel gap, there was too much play! I received my shims today and already installed them. After careful measurement I installed two .003 shims and the result was a .001 measured clearance. I re-adjusted the barrel to the recommended .006 and it opens and closes as smooth as butter and there is zero perceivable play. Amazing. Better than factory. If you think about a sledge hammer beating on the gun, that's what the cylinder shake does every time it's fired. The analogy is the head rest in your car. If you get rear-ended and your head is far away from your head rest, you will increase your chances of severe injury because your head has time to come up to speed. Less distance = less acceleration time. The lower the acceleration time, the lower the speed. The cylinder in effect becomes "one" with the frame and there just isn't any slamming. The force is still there, it just gets moved farther down the line. I wanted to spell this out for somebody reading this review who might think that the play doesn't matter. Believe in physics, it does matter. Thank you for a great product. Eric in Maryland

To the Shively’s: Thank you so much for your superb service. Order and payment was a breeze, including the superfast shipping. On top of that, your courtesy and kindness are matchless. I found out about you on YouTube, and I will revisit your shop should I need something else. Keep it up!
Thank you again, Guillermo in CA

I saw one of your YouTube videos about putting shims in a Double Action Ruger.
I was able to disassemble my GP100 and gauge the side to side hammer play with ease.
Your video was very informative and helpful. Thanks, John

Hi Lance! Thank You for expediting the shipment!
I completed my 3" Ruger SP101 and 4" Ruger Security Six a while back using your Trigger Shims
along with some polishing, stainless lube, and change out of the original main spring with a reduced Wolff spring.
The result is a much smoother trigger pull that I can stage if desired, while still being reliable having no light primer strikes!
Recently acquired a used 2-1/4" Ruger SP101 in excellent condition at a great price that I could not pass up,
so ordered your shims for it as well to improve upon the original factory trigger.
Looking forward to going thru it and making it smooth shooter as well. Take Care - Vincent in IL

Lance and Tammy,
Thank you for a great product. Just got back from a family trip, the laundry was just started and my Dan Wesson was already disassembled on my workbench. After 40 years of having my cylinder bump against the barrel on closure… I finally got the cylinder to fit properly. In the early days of IPSC this revolver was my only firearm, but speedloads were impossible because no matter how fast I got the cartridges into the cylinder, attempting to close the cylinder (and hitting the barrel) would always bounce one cartridge up and prevent the cylinder from closing. Dug out an old safariland speedloader with dummy rounds and now the revolver loads like silk.
Thanks Keith in HI

Hello Lance the shims you sent me got here (Canada) quickly.
The color coding on the shims made it easy to find the right size.
Once installed the end play was gone and the revolver, a S&W 686-3 is as smooth as ever.
Regards, Will in Canada

The 2 - .005 shims solved the light strikes issue on my Taurus Model 96 .22 revolver.
Thanks for the good advice and fine product.
Nestor in TX

Thank you so much for the shims. I used them on a misfiring 50 year old (S&W) Model 49 and just finished test firing. Perfect fit, perfect fix and a great price! Thanks again. Glad I found you!
Jason in CO

I was having trouble with a (High Standard) R-101 Sentinel I inherited jamming after firing even a partial cylinder. My usual gunsmith didn't want to work on it because it was so old and worried about parts. Sorry to say I can't remember where I was online looking for a solution but I think it was in a forum where someone posted a link to you guys. ( I'm so glad they did. Even though my first attempt didn't work, my second combination of your standard shims has the gun working well. It is my go to snake and varmint gun I keep out in my shop. $8 spent with you saved me big bucks plus I get to still use a gun with sentimental value. What a neat Fathers Day gift!
Garland in TX

Got my springs for my Ruger this morning. Amazing. Ordered early Saturday morning from Michigan and got here in Pennsylvania Monday morning. Installed early afternoon today and now have a nice 3 lb trigger. I'm sorry but I'm an old guy and I don't participate in social media but I'm very active in our local shoots ( and we have a lot of those ). I'll be spreading the word about your excellent service and I'll also be ordering from you in the near future. I don't usually write reviews or respond to vendors but your family business appeals to me and my fellow shooters will be made aware of your services. Thank you. Woody p.s.- you may gladly use this email as a 5 star review!

I am 70 and very “old school”. When I find an item that ships fast – fits well – and I can count on, then I don’t switch or shop. Thanks for the service with all my previous orders. I do not see ever switching.
Keep up the good work. Denny in AZ

......Thank You Denny!! - Lance

Your products flat work. They're built right, work great, and the price point is good. I especially like your installation videos. Thank You from an old Marine.
- Paul in WA

A Suggestion For Your Customers;
Hi Lance,
Just placed another order with you for a VQ and shims for a new Ruger 77/357. I have used your products in my GP100 and Single 7.....they are perfect and your video instructions make them easy to install, correctly.
Here's one thing I have done in the past with the shims and thought I'd pass it along to you. I follow your advice and hone the shims using a porcelain stone I have from a knife collector, I have to say these stones are the best of any. I use the 'fine' stone followed by the 'ultrafine' one.
After that step I then lightly paint both sides of the shims with liquid Brownell's Action Magic, which I also use on the sear, hammer pin, and other moving parts after polishing them.
Thanks for your great products, the super clear instructions, and your patriotism.
Bob in CA

I installed the 10 piece trigger shim and 3 over sized pin kit in my 10/22 this morning. I'm very pleased with the difference it makes. This is a brand new, unfired, polymer trigger group and I wanted an improved trigger. I installed an after market hammer which was a nice upgrade. Your shim kit put it over the top. What I thought was an excellent upgrade (the hammer) wasn't. NOW, I have an excellent upgraded trigger group! My pull was lighter and shorter with the after market hammer. The shim kit made the trigger feel as one piece. Take up became crystal clear. The break? The break of the trigger is night and day. The lighter pull now breaks clean. Before the shim kit I could feel, what I thought was, the sear traveling along the hammer. I don't feel that anymore. Now there's a clean break. BANG! I guess that was slop in the trigger assembly that slowly tightened up as I pulled the trigger. Now that the slop is gone I have clear pretravel, then apply pressure and BREAK. Again, night and day. Sorry about going on and on but your product makes a subtle but important, and tangible, difference in the feel of a trigger. Makes it predictable and consistent. In my opinion, no upgrade to a factory trigger is complete without your shims. Money well spent,
- ET in MD -1/18

Here is a note and photo I received from Marc, owner of Gemini Customs LLC;

This was a nice 5 gun order from a friendly fellow in Michigan. He and a party of four friends are to hunt Moose in Alaska this year. Ruger Alaskan's in .454 Casull makes a great backup sidearm while at a kill site or while fishing. All of them wear your shims with about 0.004 allowed for cold weather and moist conditions. Marc - OwnerGemini Customs LLC

Gemini Custom

I just wanted to thank you for your shims for my Ruger Redhawk. I was able to install them in just a few minutes, thanks to your instruction video. Before the installation the hammer had some buff marks from rubbing against the frame and there was some obvious drag during trigger pull. Even though I had polished the sear surfaces, it still wasn't as smooth as it could be. After the installation, the trigger pulls, both single and double action were like glass. I was concerned about the fit, but again I followed the measuring instructions in the video and the shims you sent were a perfect fit.
Thank you for your excellent service and quality product.
James in UT

Hello Lance,
I wanted to send you this note and let you know how Alan and I made out with your shim and spring kits, We were both very happy with the outcome.
Alan purchased a brand new Ruger Redhawk .44 MAG and I bought a used Ruger Redhawk .44 MAG.
On both guns we polished various surfaces, staying away from the sear etc.

On his new Redhawk he did not use your trigger shims because from the factory it comes with bosses on either side of the trigger. On both guns we chose to go with your 14lb trigger spring.

Alan's before and after trigger pull was as follows (Using a Wheeler Engineering digital trigger pull gauge and a 5 pull average):
Single action before: 7lbs, 12oz
Single action after: 4lbs, 4oz
Double action before: 10lbs, 4oz
Double action after: 8lbs, 8oz

On my Redhawk the results were as follows (same test procedure):
Single action before: 5lbs, 7oz
Single action after: 3lbs, 14oz
Double action before: 10lbs, 11oz
Double action after: 9lbs, 14oz

I never would have thought I could mistake the trigger pull of a Ruger for that of my S&W Model 19 or Model 57, but after using your kits I can say that's the case.
Thanks for your products! I'll be singing your praises to the folks at the range.
Best Regards, Bob in NH

Thanks for a Great Product! The one spring Ruger Redhawk 45 Colt is a bear to smooth out, FTF is common and heavy hammer is normal. I installed your shims as needed by measurement and they are true to size every time. I shimmed the cyl, hammer, and mainspring lever. Installed a 13 lb. mainspring and now I have an action equivalent to a Smith & Wesson that I can rely on, FTF is history, double action is great, all due to shimming to align the moving parts. Keep up the great work.
Thanks Larry in IL.

Ruger Single Action Shim Kit Reviews

Good Products, Good Service! Turns a Ruger Single Action into a Darn Near Precision Handgun- Thanks Folks! Fred in NH

Thank you, Shivelys!
My first kit went into a 3 screw .41 Mag Blackhawk (converted). I used the 17 pound spring which resulted in a flawless 2 pound, 6 ounce trigger. The shim kit was great too. It really took the slop out of the hammer and eliminated the scuffing the hammer gets from the frame. Your video was very helpful and is much appreciated.
The new kit will be going into a Lipsey's Bisley Flattop .44 Special, which currently has a factory trigger pull of 3 pounds 8 ounces. If it turns out half as good as the .41 Mag I'll be tickled!
You have a loyal customer in me.
Thanks! -Kevin inCA

Lance, I wanted to say that it would be fantastic if every company took as much pride and care in their product as you. Your assistance and quick responses are much appreciated. The Trigger Shims I purchased and installed in my Ruger Blackhawk have drastically improved quality of the action. And your YouTube videos were an invaluable source of "How To" instruction.
Thanks, Joe in NY

Hello Lance, I am Really Happy with your Kit, It was a Pleasure to Install, and works great and will pass on your info to my family and friends.
- Will in CA

Hi Lance,
I received my bolt, shims and volquartsen sear in the mail today and installed the shims and sear. I appreciate you installing the wolff spring. I test fired the 77/22 today and what a difference it made. My groups are now under an inch at 50 yards, and are mostly under or right at an inch at 100 yards, and that is with cheap ammo. I could not be more pleased with your products, service and installation. I highly recommend anyone who wants to improve the accuracy of their 77/22 Ruger to give your parts a try. They are reasonably priced, function great, and make a good gun fantastic. I found your website from looking up videos on youtube and a couple of folks referred me to you. I am so glad I listened to their advice. Keep up the good work.
Sincerely, Kirk in UT

Hello Lance,
I received my shims for the Ruger New Vaquero, Alaskan .454 Casull, Super Redhawk .44 mag and Super Redhawk .454 Casull. I'm no professional smith. I can do something's more as a hobby. The shims are of great quality and fit perfectly in the listed firearms. I've had 3 revolvers done by a smith who is out of business now and I am spoiled with fine trigger actions. I've learned how to do this and have completed 4 other Smith and Wesson's. The Ruger's are the last to be done. I could not find anyone (Brownell's, Midway or other parts suppliers) that listed for the Ruger's. Maybe I didn't look in the right places. I found your site by searching "Ruger Trigger Shims ". Very glad. I will promote your site to my circle of shooters and if I'm in need of shims you will hear from me.
Thank you!
W. Perry

Thanks to both you and Tammy for a terrific product. Your video explaining the use of the shims is clear and slow enough so that even I can follow it. I installed the first kit without a bit of problems and I am looking forward to installing the second one soon as I get it. Bless both you and the Mrs. and keep up the great work.
- Warren in CT


CZ / BRNO Rimfire Rifle Bolt Shim Review

CZ / Brno Rimfire Bolt Shim Target

Lance, your shims are by-far the best bang for the buck in terms of accuracy improvement. I bought a CZ 455 Tacticool and it seemed to like SK Rifle Match but was still very inconsistent. Like most CZ owners, I started with a trigger spring, then bedding. Still no substantial improvement. I upgraded the trigger guard and tried varying baseplate torque values.
Again, no substantial gains. Then I read about your site at Rimfire Central and decided to give your product a try. I went to my local outdoor range, added the .004" shim while at the shooting table and loaded 5 rounds
My 50 yard groups shrunk from +1.5 MOA to sub 1/2 MOA! The enclosed (target) photo is result, the upper-left was the fouling group then it settled-in! Conditions were 3-7mph wind, 98% humidity, 78 degrees @50yds.
Your product is seriously underrated and unknown by most. I guarantee all of my future shooting conversations will include the impact your products have on accuracy.
Sincerely, Fernando in AL

(CZ 457) Settled on a .002 shim after trying a .003 shim, didn’t want to go too tight. I wasn’t real sure on how tight is too tight. The results however were impressive. Tightened up groups noticeably and that was with average ammo. (TAC-22) Thank You, Duane in AR


Our Original TriggerShims Brand 77/22 Bolt Shim Kit
77/22 - 77/17 - 77/44 Series Shim Kit Reviews
The Volquartsen Trigger Kit

Here are Comments from some of my Field Testers and Customers about Our 77/22 Bolt Shim Kit, Volquartsen VC77TS Sear Kit and other items:

Lance just to let you know everything I ordered worked great. It's like a different rifle. Thank you and I will recommend you to all of my friends ~ Steve in AR

Lance, Thanks for the prompt delivery. The shims worked as advertised on the 77/22 ~ No more misfires! For years I have not used this rifle because of it, Now it is getting a real workout instead of gathering dust in the back of the gun safe.... A Very Happy Customer ~ Bill in the Great North

Lance, finally had a day to work on my Ruger 77/44. Needed a .003 shim for the bolt and the install went perfect thanks to your videos. Also installed the Target Sear and Spring and went from 5+ lbs to 2.25 I couldn't be happier with the results..... I'll be sure to tell anyone else about the great products and service you provide. Thanks again, Kirk in VA

Lance and Tammy Shively,
I received your order a little while back of the Valquartsen target trigger sear and spring, a new mainspring and bolt tool, and a bolt shim kit for use on my Ruger 77/22 Hornet. I have the 77/22 Hornet model with the 24 inch weather shield barrel and action in the laminated wood stock. My rifle is at least 20 years old now and I’ve taken along with my Dad a lot of groundhogs and turkeys with it. The gun shot well with a few types of factory ammo. It really liked the Remington brand 45 grain soft points. I’d buy a few boxes every time I found them thru the years. The last several years when I couldn’t find them I tried the hornady 35 grain vmax factory load and they almost shot 1 moa out of the rifle and I was very pleased. The rifle most recently wears a weigand picatinny base and either a Tasco 3x9 world class scope or a Digex 455 NV scope both set in Warne maxima QD rings.
Long story short, when I was profiling the Digex scope to the Hornet and to my Savage Predator Max One in 22-250, I had both guns at the range side by side and for the first time ever the high poundage of my Hornet trigger jumped out at me in comparison to shooting my 22-250 which by the way is scary accurate. Somehow thru the years I had never shot my Hornet side by side with my other bolt rifles in comparison and I guess that’s how the heavier trigger pull on it somewhat escaped me. Also my Hornet is the only one of my rifles that I shoot factory ammo in as I handload for all my others. Anyway, not to bore you to tears, but I’m a background is important kind of guy and I know you know that as well because you couldn’t have come up with the accuracy enhancements that you have if you were not that way yourselves!! Lol!!
Well, the other rainy day, I finally got around to taking the Hornet apart. Why in the middle of Turkey season? Because my gun unfortunately fell over in the field on a very windy day after I had leaned it against a 18 to 20 inch diameter tree and had posted up for almost 45 minutes calling from a ridge top. Apparently the wind rocking the tree..a red oak…worked the barrel out of the bark ridge the muzzle was resting between and the rifle fell over. Couldn’t believe it as this has never happened to me in my life. My scope took a tiny ding to the objective lense bell outer edge and other than scope cosmetics and my bruised ego the scope ended up being functionally fine. Knowing I needed to check my gun at the range anyway I got busy with your mods as I was anxious to try them on the Hornet anyway.
Prior to taking out the front and rear action screws I roughly determined with my Wheeler torque wrench that the front screw was approximately 20 pounds torque and the rear screw was approximately 15 pounds. I wrote this down as a note on my phone and proceeded with take down. Trigger sear install with new spring was easy due to me having watched your video..great job by the way and thank you!! I decided at this point not to swap out the factory bolt mainspring but instead to check on wether or not I needed to shim the bolt. I started out with the .002 shim and function checked it with an empty Hornet case. I could notice a slight change to the lockup “snugness” of the bolt so then I took that shim off and put on the .003 shim. This shim tightened the bolt up to where it felt like the same bolt close up feel of my Winchester model 70 bolts and REM 700 bolts. It was a just right feel with the empty case function check and I stopped right there and went with the .003 shim. I wiped everything down, reassembled the rifle with the noted action screw torques, and with the empty shell casing probably worked the bolt and dry fired the gun at least 30 times marveling at my new trigger and the bolt lock up feel.
At the range today I checked the gun with a shot at 25 yards and then took it to the 100 yard target. I was shooting Hornady 35 grain factory Vmax loads. At 100 I was high and to the right. I had the rifle sand bagged and dialed the hairs with a dime to that high and to the right POI. I was shooting at a 1 MOA orange dot sticker. I then proceeded to shoot the next 2 shots into the MOA dot…into the lower half of the dot! I then gave the elevation 1 click up and shot 3 shots into the mid and upper portion of the orange dot. What I’m trying to say and could instantly feel and see on the range with my old 3x9 tasco scope mounted on my Hornet is that your mods brought my Hornet to that next accuracy level..which is the level I always wanted and desired to have with that gun. Now, because of what your mods have done for this rifle I am also going to hand load for it now using 35 grain vmaxs and neck sizing my cases…Bottom line is I am extremely pleased with my purchases from you!! Worth every penny. Your bolt tool is awesome as well and the ability to take down the bolt for a thorough cleaning and main spring replacement as needed or desired is very important to me. Thank you and rest assured that I will recommend you to all my fellow shooters!!
God Bless, Burt in Lake Wobegon

I recently received a Ruger 77/22 in .22 Hornet after waiting almost 6 months for it. It gave pretty good patterns, not quite full choke, more like modified. No matter what I did it wouldn’t do any better. In addition to terrible grouping, somewhere along the way while shooting my bullet impacts would suddenly start marching up the target to the northeast. In one case the string measured at least a foot and a half. It may have been more but the last two shots were off the target board. I went online and read that quite a few people were having trouble getting the 77/22 to group and the recommendation was shimming between the front and rear of the bolt. Your address was given so I ordered a set. I put in a .003 shim and got some improvement but not enough to crow about. I decided simply putting in a shim without testing wouldn’t do it. I removed the .003 shim and put in a .004 and a .002 to equal .006. The bolt was definitely tighter! I could close it, but it didn’t feel right. I took out those shims and put in an .005. Eureka! The bold closed snugly. Next trip to the range got me groups that were worthy of the Hornet! And no more marching to the northeast. Your shims work! Thanks. Archie in Florida

Lance - I just bought the seat and spring kit from you for my Ruger 77/17 win mag and couldn’t be happier. The kit took 5 minutes max to install and I’m very pleased with light and crisp trigger pull. With your kit installed this gun is now actually fun for precision shooting. Thank You!

Marc in MN


I installed the bolt shims a few months ago and finally got out to the range and got put my 77/22 through it's paces. I had done a lot to this rifle trying get it to shoot. I put a Volquartsen carbon fiber tension barrel on, a Revolution laminated stock (which I glass bedded) and I have some Volquartsen shims in the trigger group. Just to show I'm not messing around, I have a Leupold VXII 4x12 scope on top. The rifle was miserable in general, only shooting Eley Rabbit HP's which they apparently don't make any more. I usually got 10 shot, 25 yard groups in the .400's (sometimes into the mid .300's). I tried a huge number of different ammo types, including match, none of which grouped worth beans.

Today I was shooting Wolf Match Extra, Target and Gold consistently in the .300's with a few into the low .200's. Federal American Eagle used to shoot in the high .800's and low .900's... today they were shooting in the mid to low .400's. Most amazing, the cheapo Remington Thunderbolts used to shoot in excess of 1" with occasional groups in the mid .9's. Today I shot 2 groups under .5" with the largest being .690. This is the same lot number of ammo. PMC Zappers (this is supposed to be a hunting rifle) went from the high .8's to under .5" with the best being .330! Velocitors were down from the .8's to under .5. Stingers went from the high .7's to the low .4's.
Bottom line is I couldn't be happier with the outcome! All the work and money I've put into this rifle and all it really need was a $10set of your bolt shims! Live and learn, right?
I just wanted to say thank you, this is without doubt the best 10 bucks I've spent in years!

Mike in MO

Check out Mike'sthread on Ruger Forum Dot Net -


I just finished installing the Volquartsen sear & trigger return spring, the Wolf Blitzschnell 23# striker spring and the .002 bolt shim on my Ruger 77/44. I actually started with the .005 shim and worked my way down. The .003 would work, but was just a little too stiff for smooth bolt operation.
The trigger breaks crisply and very consistently, right at 52 oz. (3.25#) using my RCBS trigger pull gauge. In my opinion, this is absolutely perfect for a hunting rifle ! This also equates to about a 40% reduction from the 88 oz (5.5#) factory trigger pull !! I am absolutely elated.
Your videos were a tremendous help. I had everything installed, reassembled and my bench top cleaned up and everything put away inside of an hour.
I will be taking this 77/44 to the range in the near future and let you know how I make out.
Thanks Again!Sincerely, Erik in PA

Finally got out to the range after installing the Volquartsen sear and spring, .002 bolt shim and the 23# Wolfe Blitzschnell main spring.Erik's 77/44 Rifle Targets
Pictures are worth a thousand words. But thanks to you, I can sum this up w/ only one... ECSTATIC!
The group on the right was shot shortly after buying the rifle and mounting the Leupold 2.5 x 6 VXIII. I was impressed with the fact this rifle shot 2 different loads (WW 240g JSP & Hornady 225 FTX Leverevolution ) to near identical p.o.i at 100 yards. However, I felt this rifle could do better.
After following your advice, watching your “how to” videos and installing the Volquartsen sear, sear spring, your .002 bolt shim and the Wolfe Blitzschnell 23# mainspring, this little carbine has risen to the top of the list of one of my all time favorite rifles. The groups speak for themselves. However, I wanted to let you know, you helped “morph” a really “nice to carry” hunting rifle into an honest to goodness 100 yard tack driver.
Thanks again for your help and support in proving me right!
Kindest regards,
Erik in PA

Shims arrived and fitted to my wife’s Ruger .22 magnum, Thank You, first chance I have had to test the rifle.
The .003 shim was perfect. Shim.002 was neat, .004 was a quite firm to close the bolt. The rifle is mainly used for round the camp and food for the pot. The groups with CCI Game Point, Jacketed Soft Point 40 grain, the bullet we mainly use since Remington 40 grain soft points become unavailable in Australia tightened up from 1.3 inch to consistently ¾ inch at 100 yards.
I found your site while watching a YouTube performance enhancement video on the new Ruger 77/17 WSM 24 inch Vermin Rifle with my 16 year old grandson, a very good long range target shooter. I have since purchased one of these rifles and am waiting delivery from the states (we have to wait for everything in Australia now days). Hopefully it will be here before Christmas. I had a Ruger 77/17 HMR heavy barrel but was a little disappointed in its performance beyond 100 yards and have passed it on to a new owner.
I am one very happy customer, Thank You again and I will definitely pass the word around and will contact you again when the 17 WSM arrives if the shims that I have left do not suit.
Kindest Regards and God Bless.
Mo & Nettie from Down Under

Lance, the install in my new 77/44 took no more than 5-7 minutes. I now have about a 2 lb pull compared to the factory 6+ lbs. I noticed a very light safety contact when reassembled and I tried to put the safety on. Nothing that couldn't be overcome with a little push, certainly not excessive. I suppose a very light touch of a stone would fix the situation, but I'm not going to be hunting with it, just punching paper at my age, so it's not a big issue. It's unbelievable how much it changed the pull weight as well as being a much crisper let-off. I haven't noticed any creep either.
Thanks for the picture on the safety adjustment if I needed it - Larry in GA

Hi Lance, hope all is well. I just wanted to let you know what the results were for installing your Bolt Shim pack for the Ruger 77/22 Hornet.
First, let me say that from the factory this great "looking" rifle was giving 12 - 14" groups at 50 yards. The best I could do was bore sight the scope as no 2 shots went anywhere near each other, if they were even hitting the target.
I tried everything, barrel channel, pressure point at tip of stock and the barrel, using a torque wrench on all stock screws and bedding the action. Unfortunately nothing helped in any meaningful way.
Enter your web site and your Bolt Shim kit for the 77/22 Hornet.
Well I am impressed. Exactly as your video describes, there is quite a bit of slop in the bolt head, between the rear of the bolts body, and the bolt head and the chamber end of the barrel.
Using the correct amount of shims to total .005" made a remarkably astounding, and INSTANTLY verifiable difference!

Groups shrunk from the 12 - 14" down to the varmint usable3 1/2". And stayed under 4" at 100 yds.
Not MOA, but giving me a means to zero the scope and tweak the other things. I have no doubt that it will shoot better and hand loads will only help that. But I owe this miracle to you and your shim kit.
Many thanks, you have made a believer out of me.
Bob G, NY State

Lance, I wanted to let you know that your bolt shims worked great for my rifle. I have had the shims for a long time but today was the first time I was able to get out and try the Hornet to see if it corrected the flyers I was getting. It worked beautifully and the groups are smaller as well. I am more than satisfied with the shims. I did another Ruger 77, a .22 RF as well. Great product.
I am an old man of 86 years and I have owned that Ruger Hornet since they first came out and it was driving me nuts, I had changed scopes, sent it away to be cryofrozen and nothing seemed to work. But these shims were the perfect answer.
Thanks, George in Maine

Hello Lance,
Thank you for the prompt shipping on my order again! I finally had a chance to put the sear and spring in the rifle tonight, and it went from 4.75-5.5 lbs inconsistently, to a consistent 2.75 lbs! I will recommend your store to everyone I know!
Thanks again, Joe in WY

I ordered a Volquartsen Sear/Spring set from your site for my recently purchased Ruger 77/17 17 WSM. I found you on the YouTube. I usually don't spend any time on YouTube but you were the first option that came up when I searched fixes for the terrible trigger pull on the 77 series. I'm glad you have top billing. The order process was quick and easy and cheaper than all the other options available to me. The sear replacement was not my first choice but the other options required too much alteration to the stock or of the firearm or were pretty low quality. The packaging was well done and arrived in first rate quality. The application of the sear was a bit more user involved than I expected but I don't think you have any control on material tolerances. There was a bit more work to get the firearm safely operating after the install than just polishing the trigger engagement surface and safety engagement area. It required a measurable amount of material to be removed but with some time it was easier than other fixes and the firearm is completely safe to operate, has a better safety now due to smoother movements ( not the same as Ruger factory due to not having a bump stop in the middle position) and now shoots to the level that I expect from my firearms. Thank you again for your site and providing people with some knowledge in the vast waste of the internet.
Doug inNevada

Thanks so much for your product. I have a 77/22 I bought back in 1984 new. It was trouble free for a few years and it starting getting light primer strikes and no fires. I took it to my gunsmith and he did not want to work on it so I took it to another and he had it for 3 months and he would not touch it also. That was 15 years ago....I was searching YouTube and ran across your video. ( I thought what the heck and ordered your shims. It took me 5 minutes of tinkering and I got it figured out. No more misfires and bulged case heads! Puts 5 shots in the same hole @ 50 yds. As matter of fact I dropped a woodchuck in the back yard 10 minutes after the sight check!
Awesome product!
- Jack in MI

I installed .007" inch of your Bolt Shims in my Ruger 77/22. The bolt still worked smoothly. Today I went to the range to check operation. Previously ELEY ammunition cases would not be extracted after firing the rifle. I would have to slide a rod down the barrel to push the expended brass case out or pluck them out using a knife. Today, all ammunition cases including ELEY cases were extracted each and every time. I think my groups were smaller also but this is an impression -- not as objective as seeing case after case extracted without the frustrating and perhaps dangerous practice of having to dig out the spent cases. I am very impressed with the improvement in the reliability of my rifle following installation of TriggerShims 77/22 Bolt Shims. -- John in OK

Hello Lance, I bought a Ruger 77-44 back in 1997. I put on a nice Leupold scope and went to the shooting range with several of my favorite loads. It shot a 12", pie plate size group at 100 yards. I was very disappointed, so I cleaned it up and took it home and stuffed it in the very back of my vault.(out of sight, out of mind). I have two revolvers that will out shoot this rifle with open sights. Several years later, I took it out and tried several more "favorite loads". It shot a nice 12" group. I then took it to my local gunsmith and had it pillar bedded and crowned and everything checked out. Back to the range for yet another nice 12" group. I was beyond disappointed. So, back to the very back of the vault. Scott's 77/44 Target
One day I was sitting at my computer and I put into Google, "Why won't my Ruger 77-44 shoot? I started reading and that is how I found you. I ordered the bolt shims and springs and installed them right along with your video. Then back to the range with my favorite loads, and WOW, was I surprised. I am sending you my best group target on that day. My group went from a pie plate to a tennis ball with your parts. Thank You for the excellent parts, video, research and information.
- Scott

Hi Mr. Shively, I meant to write you much sooner than this, but better late than never? I had to tell you that the Ruger 77/22 Bolt Shims you sold me were amazing. The accuracy improvement was stunning. Who knew that for $10, I could improve the gun so much!? I have been trying to get this 77/22 to shoot as well as my 10/22 for years now. Different stock, bedding job, Shilen bull barrel and still, my 10/22 with 'cheap' Butler Creek barrel would out-shoot it. It was frustrating! Not anymore. The shims you sell are miracle workers. Once I got the right combo in the bolt, accuracy became a '1 hole' affair. The Ruger 77/22 now shoots any ammo I put into it much better than before, and with genuine target ammo (Wolf Target Match), it just rips one ragged hole at 50 yards if I do my part. With the 'left-over' shims, I fixed up my sons 77/22, too, and it was the same effect. In his gun, groups were cut in HALF from what they were! Amazing. Thank you so much for making a great product at a very affordable price. Your shims make such a big difference. You helped me "love" my rifle again! Sincerely,
- Michael in TX

Lance, thank you for the prompt shipment of my 7/22 Ruger bolt shims which I received today. I couldn’t wait to try them out. Your YouTube video was very straightforward and helpful on the install of the shims. 
I ended up having to use .006” of shims to get the positive results that I had hoped for. Your shims  transformed my Ruger 7/22 and my Leopold 3 x 9 EFR scope from a boat anchor into a tack driver!!!  Prior to  installing the shims the best three shot group I could achieve was about like a half dollar Size group at 50 yards using CCI ammo.  After installing the shims I am pleased to report I now can achieve a three shot group at 50 yards using the same ammo that I can cover with a dime. That is about the best these 65-year-old eyes can do.  Thank  you for resurrecting my rifle and scope into a shooter!   
Thanks and God bless, Michael in AR

Hello Lance, Thanks for the fast mailing. Yesterday I when to range to test the new trigger. Very smooth and crisp. My Ruger 77/357 trigger pull went from 5.5 lbs down to 2.75 lbs . Your videos are so informative and easy to follow. Now to my next task with the bolt shims. Regards,
- Craig in CA

Keep up the fine video's and great products. Our Ruger Mod. 77/22 Hornet is now shooting 5/8" groups with the addition of your Bolt Shims, Firing Pin Spring Kit, and Trigger Shim Packs. Of course, you must still work on your specific load for your rifle and have good shooting fundamentals, but your products are a very important part of the equation and without them the end result would not be fully achieved.
Thanks Again,
Jack Furr
Director of Training
Firebase Academy

Lance, I just wanted to email you a BIG thank you. I recently re-barreled my Ruger 77/22 with a Shilen match barrel. After installing the barrel I headed to the range only to discover I now had over 60% misfires (not conductive to good shooting or reliability). I was searching around the net for any help with my issues and stumbled on your trigger shims. I knew they could improve accuracy but didn't know about correcting misfires issues. I ordered a set and with your super fast shipping was able to install and headed to the range today. 250rds down range with not one misfire. THANK YOU! Rick in AZ

Hello Lance.
I received the springs and shims Sat. Feb. 7 and installed them per your instructions. The quality was very good and the installation went very well. I ended up with (1) .005 thick shim between the breach block and the bolt which was just the right thickness, I tried the .005 plus the .002 but the bolt would not close. The springs were easy to install and are of much better quality than the factory springs, (ends closed and ground square).
I just finished sighting the rifle in and it shoots very well, no misfires and very accurate. I would recommend this fix to anyone with the problems I have had. I do have a good friend who has a Model 77 in a .250 Savage that has had the same problem I had and I am going to tell him what I did to fix the problem. Your YouTube was very helpful and well done. I found it by looking for fixes on Ruger misfire problems on the internet. I also read the online forum which prompted me to check into your website.
Again I would like to thank you for your help and assistance and tell you that I am 100% satisfied. It is a pleasure to deal with helpful honest people. I hope to do business with you again.
Thanks: Jim

Dear Lance and Tammy,
Today I've received the Ruger 77/22 bolt shims.
These arrived fast (8 days), well packaged and exactly as advertised.
Thank you both for an excellent service and I would be more than pleased to recommend you to any potential customer. I'd be delighted to purchase from you again.
Matt Murphy
Bexley, NSW, Australia

The 77/22 Bolt Shims and Sear Spring arrived today.
It took about 15 minutes to install them including re-watching the videos.
Thanks for making it so easy. Got your site from a Ruger Forum.
Thanks, Dan Smith

Hi Lance,
My 16 year old son installed the bolt shims and bolt/trigger springs yesterday. He watched your videos and the task was made simple and fun. We purchased the bolt tool from Brownells and I don't know if we could have done the spring switch without it. We installed (2) bolt shims, the .004 & .005. There is still some play and I assume some is required. They will certainly move the bolt face tighter to the barrel breach. I can't wait until we get to the range next week to try out the rifle. We are very satisfied with your products and service. We heard about your companyon
Thanks, Bruce in NY

To Lance Shively,
I used your bolt shims on two Rugers - one 77/17 HMR & one 77/22 Magnum. Did a nice job in removing the two piece bolt slop. I also recommend in stoning the rear face (bolt piece with bolt handle) with an Arkansas hard stone & use some moly grease on all surfaces during reassembly as stainless galls too easily.
Question: I would like to know if you have or can make .006" thickness shims?
Thank you, Larry in NY
Answer: Thank You Larry, Yes, I can make shims in .002" through .009" stock, specify when ordering.

Good Morning Lance,
I received the shims - thank you - and I completed installation and testing yesterday afternoon. I decided to start with the .003" shim, and I'm glad that I did. When the .003" shim was installed, there was just a slight resistance when closing the bolt, so I substituted the .002" shim and the resistance disappeared. I test fired the gun (77-22, in 22 magnum) at the range and it delivered a 7/8" group @ 100 yards, which is entirely satisfactory considering the prevailing wind conditions and ammo used (Hornady 30 gr. V-Max). Target grade 22 Magnum ammo is scarce at the moment... I consider the modification a success, and I'm also reassured to know that my rifle did not require substantial shimming in order to minimize the bolt clearance. Finally, I like the way that you have marked and packaged the shims.
Best Regards,
Greg in Canada

VC10TH Customer Testimonial;

Hello Lance,
I received the trigger assembly the other day. The trigger pull is phenomenal! exactly what I was looking for. Going out tomorrow plinking, cant wait! Steve in UT

Just test fired my 77/17 Hornet with the Volquartsen sear I purchased. Could not be more happy with the pull weight and target results.Thank You!
Ted in TX

When last we corresponded I had completed several modifications to my vintage 1984 Ruger Model 77/22 that had not been shot until I became its proud owner. I installed your trigger kit, floated the barrel and installed your bolt shims. Norm in the Republic of Texas

The vintage Burris scope I installed has been replaced with a Primary Arms 4-16X44mm scope, primarily to add more elevation for shots longer than 200 yards.
I was disappointed that the Burris didn’t work for me as it enhanced the appearance of my “period piece” project.

I’ve probably put five hundred rounds through the rifle and have gotten a good feel for how it shoots. As you no doubt realize, the bolt on the 77/22 is massive when compared to most .22LR rifles. This probably explains the heavy feel of the bolt as it is cycled. I’m hopeful that the bolt will continue to smooth and cycling will be easier as the round count builds.

I got to the range yesterday for an hour of shooting. After refining my zero I shot two targets (five rounds each) that are worth passing on. I believe this performance is what can be expected if the system is working well. The best target was 0.29” extreme spread which was followed by 0.36”. I am extremely pleased with the 77/22’s performance following the modifications provided by you.
Thank you so very much,
Norm in TX

Featured Young Shooters

Lance definitely runs a Top Notch Business! 3 days before taking grandson on a boar hunt in Texas I decided I needed a lighter trigger in my 77/357 he would be using.
After a couple phone calls and a few texts with Lance my new VC77TS Sear Kit was on the way, he made sure it was shipped out quickly so I had it in time, his videos made for a easy installation and grandson could definitely tell a big difference.      Jerry from Ohio 

Jerry's Grandson's Texas Hog Hunt January 2020

Volquartsen 2 Pound Trigger Pull Sear Kit
Volquartsen 77/22 Target Sear Kit

Go To Ruger 77/22 Page for Full Description

If you have or know a Young Shooter, and would like to feature them here,
let me know at Lance at

Here are Comments from some of my Field Testers and Customers about the RDA Shim Kit:

Ruger Double Action Shim Kit Reviews

Lance, Thanks for the rapid service and another excellent kit! The kit for my Super Redhawk Alaskan had the shims required to bring the hammer dog, trigger, and hammer into well-tuned spec rather than the production-line spec that Ruger shipped from the factory (really large tolerances!). Following the guidance on your site, with your kit and an aftermarket trigger spring, the action is notably smoother and single-action trigger pull dropped into the well-tuned range. All of this with simple handtools and basic gunsmithing knowledge. As with previous kits from you, the results far outweight the very reasonable price. Keep up the good work! Regards, Edward in Texas

I received the shim kit and WolffSprings within two or three days of ordering them. Thanks for the prompt service!
Yesterday, I upgraded my Ruger GP 100 with these items--tolerances and fits were tight and these old arthritic fingers struggled a bit with the small shims, but I got all the polished, shimmed and springed pieces in place with a great degree of satisfaction. The action is now so smooth that I can't wait to get to the range next week.
You can count on me as a "word-of-mouth" proponent of TriggerShims!
Paul in WA

Hello Lance,
I just purchased another 6 pack of hammer shims from you for my GP100.....
Your products and service have been amazing. I used your trigger, hammer and hammer dog shims on my gun. The trigger pull on my revolver feels so smooth and continuous now. Your directions and instructional videos were easy to follow, especially for someone doing this task for the first time. I can't wait to get back to the range to fire this gun some more.You have helped to set a pretty high standard when comparing the trigger pull of any revolver in the future.
Justin in WA

Lance and Tammy,

My local gun shop ordered a Ruger SP101 for me and when it arrived I was shocked at the terrible trigger on the little gun. Besides having an over-weighted mainspring and trigger return spring, the action was rough and gritty.
I already had a 10# Wolff mainspring and an 8# trigger return spring. I replaced the factory springs and immediately noticed a trigger-pull improvement but the action was still rough and gritty. I decided to do the SP101 Trigger Job that was posted online by Kevin Wilson to smooth things up. After doing so, the action was smoother but It wasn’t as nice as it could be.
When looking at Kevin’s preliminary information he referred to installing hammer and trigger shims and listed your company as a source. I didn’t know if I wanted to go that far but after I had done all the sanding and polishing and re-springing the little revolver, I felt the trigger could still be better and shims could help.
Since I didn’t know the shim sizes needed, I ordered the #RDA-Pak GS-30 Piece set. They seemed to be shipped almost before I finished the order. (Your shipments are fast.) The
#RDA-Pak GS-30 Piece set gave me plenty of thickness options (and plus possible spares for other guns).
Using the excellent video showing how to install both the trigger and hammer springs, I completed the installation in no time at all. I settled on .002 trigger shims and .008 hammer shims. The shims completed my trigger job. That final tweaking made a good trigger great. I feel the shims were the icing on the cake - no more rough and gritty action.
To test my efforts, I took the little revolver to the range and cranked off 50 rounds of Federal American Eagle 130g ammo without a single malfunction. It performed exactly how I wanted: smoothly and accurately. I was amazed that a small amount of financial investment along with a little time, effort and good instruction, turned good gun into a sweet shooter.
Thanks Lance and Tammy,
Sincerely, Bart in Kentucky

Lance, I received the shims today. The trigger shims worked great. The trigger was rubbing on the left side but now its smooth and doesn't rub. The hammer shims centered the hammer nicely and it seems to have sped up the hammer fall. The hammer dog shims seem to be a little thinner than I needed because the dog still has some play but it is ok. I checked the double-action trigger pull before and after installation and it came down 4 ounces, probably because the trigger isn't rubbing any more. The trigger pull is a lot smoother. I actually cut one more coil out of the hammer spring since the hammer seems to have less friction and falls plenty hard. It's a .327 Federal Magnum SP-101 so light hammer strikes aren't a problem. Thanks for the shims I'm happy with them.
- Justin

Ruger GP100 Match Champion

Hi Lance, the Hammer Shims came in yesterday. I installed them last night on my Ruger Match Champion and they work great. They are a little larger on the OD than the shims that came in the gun and this has really helped stabilize the hammer - no more rubbing on the frame and the pull weight came down about half a pound on my gauge. I am very pleased. Thanks for a great product!
Tim in TX

Hello Lance,
I recently ordered several packs of shims from you on January 12th. I appreciated you promptly handling my order and getting it in the mail to me.
I have two GP100's and my newest is a GP100 Match Champion that was rubbing the frame and had too much side to side clearance with the factory hammer shims. (Smaller diameter than yours and .005" thick). Being a DIY'er I searched the web for similar experiences and saw hammer shims recommended on the Ruger forum website. Saw your hammer shim video on U-tube, went to your site and ordered the shims.
Long story short, I installed a .007" & a .003" on the left side and a .003" on the right. Not perfectly centered, but very close. Also installed two .005" hammer dog shims. I really like how the revolver works now. The trigger pull is much smoother too.
Thank you for offering a great selection of shims.
Take care and God bless,
Martin in PA

Dear Lance, Outstanding service and product. I found the installation in my SP101 a breeze thanks to your helpful videos. My trigger was much improved. These shims are an excellent value an I would highly recommend them,
Brett in ID

Hi Lance, Time to give you Feedback for the 12 Pak Assortment you sent me last days. I'm absolutely satisfied. Shipping time was very quick. After installing Hammer and Trigger Shims on my Super Redhawk, the uncontrolled contact between trigger / hammer and frame is history. In combination with Wolff springs, It runs smooth, no more contact markings on Hammer. Works great. I'm happy. All the Best for you,
- Adi

First and foremost , the shim kits for 2 RDA work so well . They along with the spring kits have made the actions incredibly smoother and consistent . Even a Range Officer was amazed when I tested.
- Nick in MD

Just a quick note in regard to the .003" shims I received today. They fit just perfectly and took side play out of the GP100 hammer. Great Product and Excellent Service - You are the kind of folks I like to do business with!
Thank You,
- Bill in GA

Hi Lance, Installed trigger and hammer shims in the GP100 this weekend. I did also swap out hammer and trigger return springs with a Wolff spring kit in addition to polishing up the action. After measuring hammer play with a feeler gauge I put (2) .005 shims in and play is now only .003 with no rubbing of the hammer on the frame. Trigger took (2) .002 shims with about .002 play now. Smooth as butter. Very, very pleased with the results.Thanks!
- Mark in VA

Hi Lance,
I just wanted to let you know how happy I am with your service and products.
I have placed a few orders from your online store and I received my packages correctly, and quickly.
Also I have used your Trigger, Hammer, and Dog Shims for the first time. Wow!! What a drastic improvement!.. In addition to polishing critical action parts and installation of your Wolff Spring Kit my Ruger GP100 feels like it had a $175 Action Job.
I give you guys 4 star rating.. It would have been 5 but since I had such good results with your products I need to order more for other revolvers I have. Your products should have came with a disclaimer.. Lol..Keep Up The Great Work, and Thank You
- Robert D. in Ohio

Hi, Just a note: Installed your Trigger/Hammer Shims today in my SP101.
Hammer: L .005" R .008" Trigger L .005" (none needed R side. Hammer Spring: 9# Trigger Spring: 8#
Test fired gun: Perfect! Great products AND instructional video! Just wanted you to know!
- Barry in AR

Hi Lance,

I received the shims for my GP 100 today in the mailand I just finished installing them into my gun.
Everything fit perfectly! Thanks again for a great product and yourquick service.

Mike R

Dear Lance,
The shims you sent me are just what I needed, my GP100 match champion is now like a fine oiled sewing machine! I can't thank you enough, God Bless, and I will be one of your customers for a long time!
Oh, the outside diameter on the hammer shims really stabilized the hammer side shake, it drops dead square now. I am sooooo happy, well God Bless, Yours Truly, Bob in NY

Hello Lance,
just wanted to let you know I received your wonderful trigger/hammer bearings. With the help of your shims, polishing the action, and installing a lighter Wilson Combat spring kit made my Ruger GP-100 feel better than my Smith & Wesson's and even is comparable to my Colt Python. Thank you very much for sending me an excellent high quality product! I will most definitely recommend your fine product to everyone I know. Thanks again! Mike A. from Escanaba

Lance & Tammy,
I would like to thank you for the quick shipping and a product that is of high quality.
After the purchase of a new GP-100 I was very disappointed with all the play on the hammer and trigger.
So after a Google search for Ruger hammer shims I came across your website with the excellent instructional video.
I put all the shims in today and must say I'm now pleased with my new purchase.
Thanks, Bob M. in PA

Hey Lance. The shims did show up, and I've just finished installing them. It may be my imagination, but the shims in addition to polishing the pawl, cylinder latch and hammer dog dropped both SA and DA pulls by another .25 to .5# Now they are at 2# and 6.25# respectively, with no failures of any kind. Best money I've spent in a long time. Thanks! Brett in OK

Hello Lance and Tammy,
I have received the shims I ordered. Very fast delivery.
The hammer on my new Ruger GP100 Wiley Clapp Edition was rubbing on one side so I installed the shims and the dog shims first. Installation was easy. I immediately noticed a slight reduction in DA pull weight (about 1/4 pound as measured by my Lyman gauge). I now have a very nice 9 pound DA and 4 pound SA pull. I have yet to install the trigger shims, but will do so in the future.
I appreciate the quick response you provided,
Tony in S.C.

Have my SP101 all done, nice!
Used your Trigger and Hammer shims, and at your suggestion installed the 12# hammer mainspring and the 8# trigger return spring.
I followed the “Trigger Job Guide” and de-burred and polished as noted. What a difference. Wow!
The DA trigger pull is smooth and lighter. In SA, the trigger pull seems really too light. I can almost inadvertently fire it. Maybe 1.5# pull.
Should I go back to the 10# original return spring?
Again, thanks a bunch. Best thing that ever happened to my SP101.
De-horned and used a gray ScotchBrite (7447) pad with a little oil to get the finish back. Perfect!
Look into Eezox Lubricant. Seems to work great.
Jack M. in FL
Quick update Lance,
Changed the return spring for the original 10# spring and it made all the difference. DA is still nice and smooth, SA much better now.
Thanks for the advice!

Mr. and Mrs. Shively,

Last week I purchased a Shim pak for my Ruger Super Redhawk Alaskan chambered in .44 magnum. I usually don’t take them time to do this, but I felt compelled to let you know how happy I am with the results. I also replaced the hammer and trigger springs with reduced recoil wolff springs. I had already purchased the springs when found out about your shims, but you can rest assured that any other Wolff springs that I need I will be purchasing from you. The revolver started out with a very heavy, and gritty double action pull. I followed your video for installation and had no problems keeping up with you and found it to be very helpful. While I had the action apart I lightly polished the trigger group and once it was back together all I can say is it the nicest trigger I have ever had on any firearm. This includes custom pistols with big name trigger jobs. Thanks James A. Smith

Hello. Received and installed the shims today in my wife's Ruger SP101 357. The trigger and action are much smoother. This in combination with the Wolff reduced power trigger return and hammer springs have achieved what a $150.00 action job can do for about $25.00.
- Thanks for the affordable and functional product and the fast shipping. Regards, Philip in NC

Dear Lance,
I ordered a 4 pack of Trigger and Hammer Shims along with Wolff Reduced Power Springs for my Ruger SP-101, chambered in the Federal .327 magnum. I love Ruger products, but as you know some Ruger Revolvers somehow escape "Quality Control". Such was mine. A heavy hammer spring along with a not so sweet trigger action, made this gun uncomfortable to shoot.
So a combination of Wolff Reduced Power Springs along with your Shim Kit has made this into what will become one of my favorite revolvers. But what I really want to Thank You for is the You Tube Video that made the Disassembly and Assembly go a lot easier . Thank You Again. You have a life long customer. Jim B in WI

Do you have a 2011 or newer SP101? ReadThis:

Hello Lance,
I took apart my new Ruger SP101 .22 LR today and wanted to report my results!
I used a hone sparingly and used Mother's Mag & Aluminum polish and smoothed all mateing surfaces.
I reassembled using your shims, the 8# trigger spring and it fires consistantly with different types and brands of ammo using the 10# hammer spring!!!!! I am thrilled. I also tried the 9# pound spring, it fired consistantly single
action but misfired a few times using the double action.
So...In my case anyhow, I was able to use a 10# hammer spring in my .22!!!
Thanks Again Lance!
Joe in AZ

Hi Lance and Tammy.........
I finally had the GP100 totally apart again, and installed the hammer dog shims that you so VERY generously sent to me.
This .357 has been apart many times, as I cautiously did one tiny thing at a time, in the interest of "internal operational smoothness".
I was being very cautious as I am not a gunsmith, and I have very little revolver experience.
I am a retired machinist, so there are _SOME_ things that I understand.
First of all, I closely inspected the shims. I liked 'em. They were very flat, and there we no burrs, tho outta habit I did swipe 'em across my HARD Arkansas stone.
Installation was straightforward.
The Ruger was already real smooth, due to previous internal work that I had been doing.
I'm happy to report that I can now say that the dog shims were 1 more step forward in my quest for a real slick GP100. The tactile difference, before and after, was small, but there was a positive happy improvement. I also intuitively feel that there may now be less wear on the hole in the dog, and the shaft that the dog rides upon. A "win-win"
Good work, folks..........and I say "Thank you"...........
Ya'll take care.........
Lee C. in Denver CO

Lance, my shim kit arrived today and you wouldn't believe how excited I was! I tried all 3 sizes you sent (.002", .003", .005") and the .005" fit the best. Installing them was a breeze, and took less than 10 minutes all together. I was shocked at how much the DA trigger pull improved. It is now butter smooth and considerably lighter. I am amazed at how well they work. Thank you so much for sending me these! A couple of my shooting buddies have Ruger DA's and I will definitely recommend you to them.
Thanks again!
Trent in Illinois

Hi Lance, I used the spring kit and shim kit in both of my Ruger SP-101s and am very happy with the way they installed and work properly. Thanks much! Darrell in Kansas

Hi Lance, Shims came today—just finished the SP101—splendid results! Simply cannot believe how silky smooth the DA pull is now. Look forward to slicking up My Smith J-Frame next. Dennis in NC

Hi Lance, The shim kit worked great for my Ruger Security Six. Easy to install using your instructions. My son and I could feel the difference in trigger pull while shooting at the range.
Mike in FL

Lance, Just got the shims, and spring kit today. Thanks. That was quick. Your video was a very helpful resource while I was installing both items. Much smoother pull now on my DA SP101. I'll pass your site on to a friend with a Super Redhawk that wants a smoother action.
Thanks again, Jason in AZ

I have two Ruger SP101’s that both have trigger drag. The one I was really worried about was the .22lr that I thought would be a sweet shooter when I bought it. It had the heaviest trigger and hammer I’ve ever felt! I was relegated to firing single action as I couldn’t smooth out that rough trigger in double action. After tear down and polishing the internals and installing a new hammer spring, the results were better but I didn’t correct the trigger drag. THEN, I ordered your shim kit with the Wolfe trigger/hammer springs. Now the trigger spring with 8# was great and the 12# hammer was also good, the installation of the trigger shims made all the difference.
Went to the range yesterday and put over 250 rounds through the .22lr SP101 8-rounder. I’ve got to say the difference with the trigger shims in aligning the trigger was the deal maker as to whether I would keep this weapon or trade it. Now it isn’t exactly as smooth as my Colt Diamondback but it is really close! I now love this weapon! Thanks for offering a quality product that saved buyer’s remorse on my Ruger.
Now, I’m off to install the same package on my Ruger SP101 .327! Thanks Again, Dan in KS

Hey Lance, I just wanted to thank you for all your help with the shims and springs you sent me last week. I got them yesterday and installed them last night. This is my first revolver ( Ruger SP101 4.2" ) and first time even removing the grip on one of these things let alone taking apart the trigger!
I followed your trigger shim video to the "T" and took my time, about an hour later I couldn't believe how much smoother the action was. Your video made it very easy for this revolver rookie to install your great product and I just wanted to thank you for your great service and advice. I'll will definitely do business with you in the future, Thanks Again, Pat in AZ

Hi Lance, A short time ago I ordered some shims from you for my Ruger SP101. I thoughttheir installationwent well and that I was successful until I disassembled the revolver again and discovered that one of the hammer shims was never in it’s proper place. Don’t know where it had been, but it was loose and not around thehammer pivot pin. This afternoon when I tried to reinstall the hammer and shims I couldn’t get the shims to stay in alignment withthehole in the frame and hammer. I have a severe tremor in my right hand which doesn’t help, either. So, after I had the hammer out of the frame, I used a little grease to hold the shims in place and put the hammer pivot through the shims and hammer and put themtogether in the refrigerator freezer for an hour or so. The grease became stiff enough to hold the shims in place long enough for me to install them and hammer - on the first try !!! If any of your other customers are having similar difficulties, you might pass along this little tip. For some reasonthis revolverdidn’t need any trigger shims, but I did install thehammer dog shims. Had no difficulty with them at all. Thank you for making these shims available. They came to my attention while watching a Youtube video about doing a trigger job on a Ruger SP101. I liked the idea, so that’s when I placed my order.
Thanks Again! - Bob in KS

Here is my old friend Kevin,I had just installed a TriggerShims Shim Kit in his Ruger Super Redhawk;

Kevin on Opening Day 2011 9 Point Buck
Opening Day, Nov. 15 2011, Kevin is using a 7.5” Ruger Super Redhawk in .480 Ruger, 340 grain SWC Cast Bullet with gas check hand load.
Leupold 2.5-8X Handgun scope, about 40 yard shot.
Nice Nine Point Buck!
(there are 5 pointson the left side, pic does not show it)

And another customer, Curt in Missouri wrote;

Best purchase I have ever made in my entire life! AWESOME!!

Clay in New Mexico had this to say;
Wow! The hammer shims make a huge difference on my SP 101. Does the hammer rubbing the frame make that big of a difference? Before the washers my wife could hardly pull the trigger in double action but now she can pull it easily. I’m going to highly recommend these.... I didn’t even bother installing the trigger shims.
Thanks, Clay in NM -

NM Collector Software

AndJoe in South Dakota wrote;

Hello, sir.
DONE w/ the polishing & trigger jobs. I'mvery happy w/ these revolvers.FWIW, I'll tell you what I've done if people inquire on what they need given they do the same...
GP100 - .005 Hammer & Trigger shims are perfect w/ the polished hammer & trigger. Perfect. Very tight & very smooth.
SP101 -.009Hammer & .005 trigger shims. .009hammer shimsdid the trick. I first doubled-up to see if .010 dimension would work. No - wouldn't fit. .009 is perfect.
All shims were softly ran on some 1500 then grit sandpaper per your recommendation, then polished on a t-shirt rag w/ someMother's polish. Withyour shims and some polishing of the contact points on both revolvers, I swearI have someof the smoothestrevolver actions around.

I finally got round to putting a set in my 4" GP100 & the results were Fantastic, even though I needed thicker shims on the hammer the kit helped SA/DA pull by as much as 10 oz on DA & 4 oz on SA but the surprise is the consistency now only varying 1.5 oz
Here`s a link to the Ruger forum thread in; "Ruger-Smithing"
Thank You Sir !!! -GP100man

I installed the shims in my super red hawk along with a lighter spring kit and some surface smoothing.
The trigger pull is about half of what is was before (my trigger scale did not go high enough to measure double action pull before, but single action went from 6.5 to 3.5 lbs.)
I am not experiencing any light primer hits, and I attribute that to the shims preventing hammer rub on the frame (which was noticeable before the shims).
I am getting ready to place an order for shims for my S&W L and N frame revolvers, but I need a special order.
Instead of getting .003 and .005 shims with the 8 pack, can I please get .002 and .003?
Thanks, I will be placing my order on-line in the next day or so.
P.S. your videos are VERY helpful.

Lance and Tammy The shims for my Ruger Redhawk arrived a few days ago and I am beyond thrilled about how they have improved the action of the gun. This is probably going to end up fairly long, but I am so impressed with your product I want others to know that they can order with full confidence that they are getting quality for their money.
Ordering and delivery. First, thank you for the reasonable prices you charge, your prompt and courteous response to emails and your willingness to sell to us Canadians...and big extra charge for speedy international delivery.
Installation. Your excellent online videos gave me complete confidence I could install the shims properly the first time and it was a cinch.
Result. I put a Wolff reduced power spring in at the same time, so I can't comment on trigger pull simply due to the shims, other than saying it is down around three pounds from the horrible heavy trigger the gun came with. But what I can attribute to the shims is the totally different feel of the gun. The double action pull has gone from gritty, loose and mushy to very smooth and consistent. As another person commented, it now feels like a well oiled machine. I never thought I would say or do this, but I got out a superbly smooth S&W revolver and did a side by side comparison. While the Smith had the Ruger beat on a light single action break, I can honestly say there is little difference now between the two on double action. Something I really didn't think was possible given that the Redhawk is a tank when it comes to shooting heavy loads.
Bottom line, anyone can deal with confidence when buying your excellent product.
A fan from Ontario, Canada

Hey Lance and Tammy,
I installed the springs and shims on my customers Ruger SP101.
It is a .357 model. When I got the gun in for repair it had about a 7 lb DA pull and on the SA pull it was off the scale on my Lyman trigger pull gauge.
After cleaning up the parts I put it back together. The test results were awesome. On the DA pull was at about 3 1/2 lbs and the SA pull it was at an incredible 5 1/2 lbs.
This pistol belonged to an older gentleman and he was astounded at the results. There is no doubt I will be using your kits in the future.
The shims for the hammer and trigger both worked as advertised. There was a substantial amount of movement on both the trigger and hammer before installation and the shim kits cleared these both up.
As I stated you will hear from me again in the future.
Thanks and God Bless
Randy Haught

Hi Lance, I received and installed the shims and spring replacements. I'm so happy and satisfied with the results, I now have an awesome GP100 357 Magnum thanks to you.
Fernando in CA

Hey Lance. I received my shim kit yesterday and installed them last night and WOW. I had previously performed a trigger job on my SP101 and replaced the springs and the trigger was much better than stock but there was something about it that just wasn't right and I couldn't quite figure it out. These shims completely changed it. The trigger pull is so smooth and consistent now that I can say I like it better than my Glock and 1911. Thank you.
Brian in Ohio

Just a note to tell you I received my Shims order today. Within two hours I completed the Trigger and Hammer Job and I am thrilled with the results. The project is a new Ruger SP 101 .357 Mag. I found a combination of 10 lb Hammer spring with 9 lb Trigger spring best. It took total .017 shims to fill the gap on the Hammer. The feel of the final product made me smile. Thanks for a quality product and fast handling . You are on my address book for my future projects. Thanks again !!! Art M. in CA

Hi Lance, Thank you for the Ruger Revolver shims. They worked to remove the rubbing of the hammer against the frame improving the trigger pull on both of my GP100s. I would not hesitate to install theses shims on other handguns if the opportunity arises. Thanks again. Denver in CA

Lance, Received the shims and spring kit for my Security Six today. Already got it all installed and am very happy! Thanks!
Rick in AL

Lance & Tammy, I Received the SP101 springs in the mail yesterday.....I installed the Trigger Spring first then I installed the 9# Hammer Spring. All the forums say to start with the 10# Hammer Spring, but I thought if it didn't work right, it is easy to change. I took it back to my range with a variety of ammo and they all worked fine.I bookmarked your website in case I or someone else needs springs or shims. Great to do business with someone here in Michigan.Thank you- Orel C.

Dear Lance and Tammy,
I received your trigger shims and have installed them. After doing some other polishing work, two of my Rugers are now smoother than many older Smiths I have shot. I will definitely be a repeat customer as I have numerous other Rugers which could benefit from your fine product. I found your website while surfing the web on ways to further tune the action of Rugers. I cannot remember on which forum I saw your name. However I have already passed information along to another friend about your product. Please keep up the good work and I look forward to purchasing from you again in the future.
Dorian in VA

10/22 Shim Kit Reviews

Here are Comments/Reviews from some of myCustomers about the10/22 Shim Kit:

Hello Lance, I purchased the hammer and shim kit from you late last year and with the holidays I didn't get it installed until today. I can't tell you how pleased I am with it. The trigger is smooth as silk and the shims have taken all of the play out of the trigger. I have tried the Ruger BX25 trigger and it isn't as nice. While it's trigger pull is light there is play in trigger. I don't have a tool to measure the trigger pull, I really don't need it. The trigger just feels better. Thank you for selling a fine product at a fair price and the individual service that you provided. Hope you and Tammy are doing well.
Regards, Joe in AL

Lance, Had a chance to shot 50 rounds at 25 yards today, just to check things out. I had only 6 of the 8 shims and the replacement Wolff springs installed. The trigger was lighter than before and had no creep. The 10/22 was definitely better and a joy to shoot. Thanks for a good product.
- Paul in CT 6/16

Hi Lance & Tammy....Received the shim kit today, (1/17/15) and installed.
With all the after market items available for the Ruger 10/22, I can honestly say this is a must have.
I consider (my opinion) many of them to be “over kill” but this definitely makes a big difference in the feel and pull of the trigger. Cheers, Bob in NY

Great product, Loved your YouTube Trigger Shim Video.
I'm tuning up my 10/22 target rifle, I'll surely come back to you folks if I need something.
"Great Service" . A new customer , Lynn in Magalia Ca.

Hi Lance,
Just installed the shims in my Ruger 10/22 using your video. Easy install with your excellent instructions. I also did some polishing of the internals. That together with the shims and new springs gave a light crisp trigger pull to my 20 year old rifle. I never knew what I was missing.
Next I’ll be installing shims in my Henry 22LR.
Thanks for a great product,
Lou in VA

Greetings from the Looziana swamplands to ya, Mr. Lance and Miss Tammy! I am delighted to have received your warm & personal response to my having ordered a pair of your recoil buffers. It has been four decades since I had my hands on a .22LR rifle and I impulsively ordered a 10-22 iTac probably more because of it's economy and it's potential value for getting my wife out of the closet and pressing a trigger, and...well...just for fun. Several days with my head in 10-22 forums quickly demonstrated the flood of available upgrade options for this platform as well as a wide range of opinions on which aftermarket parts are most highly regarded. When searching "10-22 recoil buffers" it occurred to me that your personal presentation of your "Tuffer Buffer" complemented by your ad hominem outreach made it easy for me to order the buffer from you more than a week before the rifle will be in my hands.

For better or worse I now sense another tack driver in process and it's on to best options for trigger jobs, bolts, charging handles, etc - and so much for my manly-man economy mouse plinker rationale!
~ DocinLouisiana

Lance and Tammy, I just wanted to take a minute and thank you both for the way you do business. I received my parts exactly as described and your online tutorial couldn't of been any easier to follow. I have no doubt however that had I encountered any stumbling blocks along the way, you would be right there with the customer service to back up the sale. I'm not a competition shooter, but I still have an appreciation for a smooth trigger pull. These are simple, affordable on any budget, effective upgrades that I for one think every ruger 10/22 owner should purchase for the consistency of the trigger pull alone.
In conclusion, you guys rock it! Thanks again, from a new lifelong customer.
Mike R. in Oregon

Hello Lance,
Thanks to both you and Tammy for a great product, at a great price, as well as fantastic customer service. Add to that your exceptional videos, and you have a first rate operation. I installed your 24 shim kit into a spanking new "plain Jane" 10/22 carbine. Had plenty of trigger group play to contend with and with your kit eliminated all, and I mean all, of the play at the disconnector, sear and trigger. Difference was beyond night and day. Improved the quality, and function, of the rifle by an order of magnitude. I added Tech Sights and shimmed the trigger guard to remove that play. This produced groups a little larger than a nickel sized at 25 yds. Next, I added a Volquartsen target hammer. This brought the groups down to roughly the size of a penny at 25 yds, with some holes touching. Lastly, when I added your shim kit to take up the play in the disconnector (0.014"), sear (0.025") and trigger (0.016") the results were 5 shot groups at 25 yds, each producing one ragged dime sized hole. It truly turned the 10/22 into a tack driver. Your shim kit made a noticeably significant improvement to the accuracy of the 10/22.
I went to Island Lake today and was able to hold dime sized 5 shot groups at 25 yds with iron sights. Turned the stock 10/22 into a pure tack driver. Marlin 60s be forewarned. Ordered a second 24 piece kit for my 10/22 TD.
Thanks again, and by the way, thank you for "color coding" the shims, as I experimented with thickness combinations until it was spot on. Without your color coding, I would have worn out my calipers.
I will be a customer as long as you offer your products and services.
Best regards,
Paul in MI

Thank You. I have been very happy with the service and parts that I have received from you, I love the shim kits, they smooth the action very nicely. The other parts that I have ordered have been top notch, I like Volquartson a lot. Your installation videos have been a great deal of help David in Oregon's 10/22and have given me the completely tear down and upgrade my rifles. This has become a hobby and I really have you to thank. I recently completed a 10/22 that contains almost no Ruger parts, it turned out beautiful and works excellent. I look forward to working with you for a long time coming,
David in OR

I just want to thank you again for the personal attention and great business practices. Like I said before, "In this day and age, it is refreshing to say the least". My product came extremely fast and was exactly what I ordered. To those who choose to read this review, do yourself a favor and do business with this company.
Thanks..........Gary in MI

Lance, originally went looking on the internet for upgrades for my new Ruger 10/22 and found many positive comments about your shims. I checked your web page and found all the various shims and parts I needed for my 10/22 along with the installation videos (absolutely great touch). I ordered the shims and together with the videos had my 10/22 fixed up perfectly in minutes first time. Can't say enough good things, oh wait. So later I started working on an old Marlin 25 bolt action 22 my Dad got in a pawn shop many years ago. When my Dad gave it to me it was beat up, very dirty and would not fire or extract. I took it apart and found a bent extractor and broken firing pin so I ordered parts and started thinking. The trigger and sear were very wobbly some by design and being 1971 vintage lots of wear so after the great results on the 10/22 trigger I thought shims would help this old dog. I did not find this gun listed on your web page but emailed you asking about the specific sizes I needed and you responded within a few hours. You offered to provide some slightly larger diameter shims than your regular stock and in a slightly different thickness. These custom diameters and thickness shims you could make per my request to fit my specific needs for this Marlin. I got the Marlin shims in the mail in a few days and and using the same techniques as the 10/22 had them installed in minutes. I could not be more pleased and as a Range officer at my local gun club I have contact with many shooters and folks that work on guns so I tell them about your products every time the subject comes up. I will absolutely come back every time I work on a gun for any shims I might need. With the ease of contacting you, the supurb customer/custom service, using paypal, and free shipping I can't see any better deal for my needs.
Terry in Washington State

Hi Lance,
I just wanted to let you know those shims worked great in my anodized aluminum 10/22 trigger guard. I had to order more because it took 3 of each on each side of the sear, disconnector, and trigger except the hammer which was already a snug fit. They really went in easy with your video to guide me and that slave pin worked great. I'm now going to do up my original plastic trigger guard with the kit I just ordered and have some spares. Will be doing business with you again and thanks for a great product.
Regards, Jerome

Received my shim kit and immediately installed it. Wow 20 years old and feels like a new rifle! Your video made it fool proof and I enjoyed it very much! I have hand tremors and still accomplished it with little trouble, just took me a little longer
I will visit again soon! Rich

It can honestly be said that the products, instruction, service and follow-up, from is 1st class.
Lance truly speaks from firsthand experience with end results as good if not better than sincerely stated. In our case we did a Volquartsen target hammer and shim kit modification to a Ruger 1990’s aluminum trigger housing along with a 2012 polymer housing. The shim kit sure helped with the modern polymer housing which was quite a bit looser in tolerance than the 1990’s aluminum unit. End result is a polymer trigger unit pull that started out at 6+ lbs down to 2-1/2 lbs. The aluminum housing was a real surprise. What started out at 7-lbs. is now a light and smooth 2-lbs. Lance & Tammy………. Keep up the good work.
As good as it gets with They’ve earned our future business
Ralph & Doug, Ohio U.S.A

Hello, I found TriggerShims on YouTube. I placed my order and it was shipped next day, and I received my order in 4 days!
My order was for a Volquartsen Hammer Kit and Trigger Shims for my New Ruger 10/22 Takedown.
I used your YouTube video to assemble the kit with no hassle.
I am Very Happy with the low trigger pull on my Ruger, the Exceptional Customer Service and follow thru by Lance and Tammy Shively. You will not be disappointed!
Thank You for Outstanding Customer Service,
Richard in FL

Just wanted to say that the shim kit is a great product. It is amazing the difference it has made in my 10/22. Thanks, Jim in Alpharetta, GA

Mr. Shively,
Your shims made my 1022 Magnum a joy to shoot.
I have friends who are in the process of ordering from you.
Your web site was easy to find and well done too!
Thanks for all your help, Mike in WA

Ijust installed the SS 24 shim kit along with the Wolff RP kit. Now, I did not meter the pull before and after but I can certainly feel the difference. But more importantly, I can feel that the solidness of the trigger action now that virtually all the play has been removed. As an amateur machinist I made use of a small micrometer and feeler gauges to speed the process up though they were not necessary. If you want a little better results than the 8 shim set then the 24 shim set is for you. It will take a lot more time but it is definitely worth your trouble.
William in AZ

Good Morning Lance,
Last night I installed the target hammer and shim kit on my Ruger 10/22. I am totally amazed out how easy it was and how much it improved the trigger pull. I have invested a lot in my 22 with Hogue stock and great scope but your upgrade was the best thing I could do for my rifle. Thank you for the great quality parts and vast improvement on my Ruger. I will be using your parts for other projects and spreading the word at the range.
Your customer,
Robert G.
Cherry Hill, NJ

Lance, Just wanted to let you know about my installation of your shim kit into my Ruger 10/22 Sporter. I bought this gun used. It has a metal trigger housing. I put a Volquartsen target hammer kit in it and although it did reduce the pull weight it had a "creak" before the trigger break. I had installed the same hammer kit on another 10/22 that I purchased new. This "new" 10/22 had a plastic trigger housing and the target hammer installation was a success without any additional attention. Unsure how to fix the "creak" on the Sporter, I found your video on you tube and decided that your shims would be my first, and hopefully only, attempt at fixing this annoyance. I installed all of the shims. However, The smallest shims fit very tightly and didn't allow free movement but I decided to leave them on and give it a try. Well, needless to say, it still wasn't right. I then removed the small shims and tried again. I figured since they fit so tightly that they probably weren't needed. Well guess what? This trigger now is flawless. It is so smooth and light. I love it. I can't thank you enough for your product and your very informative instructional videos on you tube. Just thought you might like to here from a very satisfied customer. Thanks again, John in TX

Lance, I recieved the ejector and spring for my 10/22 a couple days ago and finally got around to installing it. They are quality parts at a very fair price and installlatin was as easy as you indicated it would in your you tube video. By the way, that video is how I found out about your product lines. I was testing out and a new Beyer, 17 HM2 barrel and Bannish 22 suppressor combo on my 10/22 reciever. About halfway through the third box of ammo (ok, I was a little past testing and into making lots of fun little holes at 50 yards) when the old/original extractor struck me in the forehead and ricocheted off into never-be- found land! Seems I had a case failure or "blow out". The case was still in the cylinder with an obvious rupture. The extractor spring and plunger were caught by the bolt when it returned forward along with the next round from the mag and all jammed in the ejection port. I'm by no means a gunsmith, but somewhat experienced at minor repairs and upgrades. Your video on how to replace the extractor was one of the first I came across and the one I went back to a couple of times to review. I liked the way you explained the process as well as the viewing angles presented. After watching your video I was pretty sure I could accomplish the replacement on my own. I truely appreciate you and your wife's timely shipment and commitment to customer serviceas well as the quality of parts provided and will definately keep your business in mind for future products.
Regards, Bob

Smith and Wesson Shim Kit Reviews

Lance, I received your cylinder shim kits for my S&W revolvers. I ordered them Tuesday evening and received them Saturday morning with Thanksgiving day in the middle. Thanks to you and the Post Office I bought a well used model 49 that had a number of issues, one being cylinder end shake so bad that after shooting 50 rounds the cylinder would drag on the end of the barrel. After getting your shim kit home it took about 15 minutes to install the necessary shim and head to my backyard range to test. 75 rounds downrange and nary a hiccup or hard trigger pull. Thanks for your prompt attention to my order, shipping, and the ease of ID and fit of your shims. When I need more I'll be contacting you. Jim

Received my shims today. They are perfect! Helped to put an old K-22 masterpiece back in service. You guys offer a great service with professionalism! By the way, the color coding is very handy. Thanks again, Matthew

Hi Lance,
I am retired LEO and was the Firearms Instructor and Armorer for my dept.
Today I rebuilt my S&W 63 with your 6 Pak Cylinder Shim Kit that I received yesterday. It was great to remove the end shake without having to stretch the cylinder arbor. It is now like when it was new!
I had used this revolver for training my officers in revolver snub nose usage and have lost count how many rounds had been put thru it.. Your quick response and excellent product is deeply appreciated. I am now one of your biggest FANS ! Keep up the good work and I recommend your business to any one in need of your products !
BE SAFE ! ROB in KY 10/19

Lance, I received the shims you sent to correct the endshake in my S&W model 10-6. I installed two of the .002" shims and they reduced the endshake down to the amount I wanted. I want to thank you for the quick shipping and the reasonable price for a quality product. I found your website while surfing for shims and was impressed with your guarantee of satisfaction, detailed description and how-to info on various products, and your very reasonable prices. After witnessing first hand your great service I've added you to my "bookmarks" and will be a repeat customer when tuning up my other guns. Thanks! Derald W.

Hello Lance, I just wanted to say I am very pleased with this kit I recently purchased from you. I was able to fix the end-shake issue on my Smith and Wesson model 34-1 (.22 RF J-Frame Kit Gun) I had previously taken this gun to a so-called “gunsmith” who told me my gun was just “worn out” and unrepairable, but by using your end-shake shims it was restored to proper function. Your kit fixed my gun for $10.00, I am an extremely satisfied customer.
Chris in KY

Hi Lance,
Your shims worked like a charm! I had a couple of S&W's with really tight B/C gaps - an early 28 that I just picked up with B/C gap between 0.002 and 0.004 (due to a slightly non-concentric cylinder face), and a 686 that I’ve had for a while that had some custom work done with a gap of just under 0.004. A bit of end-shake was enough to cause a bit of B/C interference on both. The 0.002 did the job on the 28, and the 0.003 solved the 686. I couldn’t be happier. You have a fantastic product at an amazing price. I will spread the word. Thanks and God Bless,
- Gord in Canada


AR10/15 Shim Kit Reviews

Here are Comments from some of my Field Testers and Customers about the AR-15 Shims:

Hello Lance, I had purchased and installed the JP Rifles AR-10 MicroFit Takedown/Pivot Pins as my OEM 0.278” OD pins resulted in a loose fit between my DPMS LR-308 rifle’s upper and lower. However, JP Rifles only makes OVERSIZE = 0.001” larger OD in AR-10’s but offers OVERSIZE (0.249”) and DOUBLE OVERSIZE (0.250”) = 0.002” larger for AR-15’s. I emailed JP Rifles to confirm that and they replied that most AR-10’s are fit better and so they never had a need for AR-10 double oversize pins. Unfortunately for me, I really needed the double oversize pins. The JP Rifles OVERSIZE pins removed maybe 60-70% of the upper/lower loose fit and so I searched for an alternative to eliminate the remaining looseness. Then I discovered your web site and decided to give it a try. Today your TriggerShims Brand Shims arrived for my LR-308 lower. Some experimentation later, I learned that one of your Purple 0.004” shims just barely fit, having to do careful manipulation of the pivot junction to guide the shim into position. Ah Ha! Now ALL the remaining looseness in my DPMS AR-10 is gone! Thanks again for offering such a nice product at a good price. Unfortunately, I don’t believe in social media and so will figure another method to get out the word of your great product. Regards, Paul in Idaho

Hello, I am sure I will be very happy with the purchase. I came across an article about ways to stop the AR wobble online. One suggestion was the shims as the preferred way. Google shims and Brownell was selling some, but the price was high I.M.O. ($30 shipped). Google AR shims under "pictures" and your site picture of the shim on the AR showed up. Clicked it and it lead me to you website. LOL that was a long explanation. Well, saw what I was looking for at a reasonable price. Your site was easy to understand and navigate, along with a great down to earth vibe to boot! I will mention it on Your online store does have practical AR related items that will help many with repairs, mods and upgrades. Seriously happy to have found it. Thanks again, JC in FL

Lance and Tammy, you make a great product for a good price. I got my receiver shims and and made my Daniel defense feel like it's worth its name again, only way to fix the slop on AR15 receivers in my opinion, Thank You so much for the fast shipping and experience in fixing my problems. I like shooting a tight fit AR even if the slop doesn't affect accuracy, it improves my confidence and that improves shooting and consistency. Thanks Again, Josh in MN

Hi Lance,
I received the shims today (AR-15 Pivot Pin) and they worked out perfectly. I bought two thinking I'd only need one and would keep the other for backup, but it turns out there was a bit more slop between the receivers than I expected, so I slipped the second shim on the other side and now things are nice and tight. I couldn't be happier with the result. I'll be ordering more for a backup supply soon, so be on the lookout. Overall 10/10 experience. Thanks very much!
Chris in NY

Lance/Tammy, I just wanted to write and say thank you. I ordered your pivot pin shim 24 pack kit and an Accuwedge. You guys were great about shipping quickly and communication so I knew that they were shipped so fast. They arrived quickly and in perfect shape. Install was really a breeze once you find the right combo of shims. That took care of any movement/noise from the front take-down pin. The Accuwedge was perfect for the rear. If it matters, I needed .007 to tighten up the front. I was upgrading an older rifle with non matched receivers to a competition style build. The barrel and receivers were the only things not changed. After all was said and done, I loved the way the rifle turned out. The only issue to me was the noise from the slop in the receivers when handling the rifle. That is now completely gone and the rifle feels rock solid when handling. I had previously purchased a shim kit called the "X-Shim" kit. Not only was it the wrong approach to a fix but the shims were brightly colored in 4 different colors. Basically a no go. Unfortunately no pictures were provided with that kit so money was wasted. I should have gone with your kit in the first place but I had read some reviews stating that they wished the shims were black so they were not so visible. That was the primary reason for ordering the other kit. In reality these shims are nearly invisible and can only be seen when closely inspecting the front take-down pin area. Even then you really have to look for them. I love it when a product/products actually work and fill the desired need. Bravo on not only the parts but the excellent customer service. You have a happy customer. I originally bought the kit to have multiple sizes but also possibly share with anyone needing some. Instead, I will be keeping the rest for other rifles and I will send people that need shims your way. Thanks again.
Brandon in Alaska

Hi Lance, I have received the Pivot Shims. They are precisely made. Now my upper and lower receiver fit very snugly thanks to your shims. Glad that I made the purchase. Thank You!
- Best, Kevin

Here are Comments/Reviews fromCustomers aboutother Shim Kits:

Hi Lance, I took every thing apart (Charter Arms .44 Special) and did a good cleaning, only rust spot starting where the grip edge under the trigger screw on the safety side. "0000" steel wool & a touch up pen took care of that. Polished the Trigger Spring Ball & the Trigger Indent. A light coat of grease, and a few times reassembling the trigger with the shims. Three times actually, I used the .004 (Purple). Thanks for marking them. What a difference just that made. A lot smoother and less barrel movement when dry firing. Like a new gun only better. If it wasn't for seeing your video, I would of never have been able to see the difference in it. Thank you again.
- Steve

Henry Rifle
Well Lance and Tammy,
Another good product I have gotten from you. Fast shipping and a good deal. Now I have one of the smoothest actions on any Henry steel rifles around. I did have to double stack shims on the trigger and the hammer though. I hope that will be OK. Seems to work but haven't shot yet. Thank you again for your dedication to your work it shows.
Sincerely, Jon in Michigan

Hello Lance and Tammy, We received the items ordered; fast shipping, great products. Pleasure doing business with you folks. I actually heard about your products from a customer who wanted a trigger job preformed on their revolver; he's very satisfied with the revolver now that I reduced the pull weight and installed the shims. Easy ordering, fast shipping and a great product.
Thank you,
Ari Sassi
Karhu Kustoms, LLC.

Lance, I’m 100% satisfied with your shims and recommend your product whole heartedly to anyone who wishes to use them. I couldn’t ask for better service. For the price, the overall improvement is without a doubt the BEST money I’ve ever spent on an upgrade.
Chuck in FL

Lance at has offered me high quality products and exceptional service. I mistakenly ordered the wrong set of shims for my revolver and upon email I exchanged the product for the correct one. I found Lance friendly and very timely with his response. I would recommend his services to anyone. Kyle in Oregon

In this day of everything being "Made in China", and the disappointments that come with it, just finding an American Made product is a rarity.
Finding people and products like yours, makes me feel that we are not lost, after all.
Joe Bob Summey
Fort Lewis, WA

Found your site by surfing the net for trigger shims. I then looked at a few forums where people suggested your product. I ordered your shims for my revolver and they worked great. Better than I had thought. Your service was great and shipping time was the best I have ever seen, ordered/shipped almost instantly. I will be back for more!!!! Great product. Thank You!!!
Philip in FL


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"American Made Gun Shims" - -
TriggerShims is a Trademark
Shively Sales
Michigan Center, Michigan

Copyright 2008 ~ 2022

God Bless and Make America Great Again!


If you have any questions or safety concerns, see a qualified Gunsmith.

I manage this site myself, Please Report Any Website Problems to;
Lance at

Republic.... I like the sound of the word. It means people can live free, talk free, go or come, buy or sell, be drunk or sober, however they choose. Some words give you a feeling. Republic is one of those words that makes me tight in the throat - the same tightness a man gets when his baby takes his first step or his first baby shaves and makes his first sound as a man. Some words can give you a feeling that makes your heart warm. Republic is one of those words. - John Wayne in the Alamo