Tammy and I
Sincerely Appreciate Your Patronage
Gun Guides

Rebellion Against Tyrants is Obedience to God
~ Benjamin Franklin ~
Manufacturer of
Trigger Shims Brand
American Made Gun Shims
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Gun ShimsGun Smith Supplies
Since 2008
We Manufacture the Widest Selection of Gun Shims to be Found Anywhere on the Planet
100% American Family Owned
Shively Sales - Manufacturer of
TriggerShims Brand
Gun Shims
Michigan Center, Michigan
"Better to be poor and honest than to be dishonest and rich." Proverbs 28:6

God Bless the U.S.A.
American Made Gun Guides
Guides are 8.5” x 5.5” and comb bound which lies flat on your work surface. Complete step-by-step instructions are perfect for light reading or intensive disassembly. Confidently maintain your firearms or install that next must-have accessory.
Ruger 10/22 Complete Gun Guide Mini 14 and Mini 30 Complete Gun Guide Ruger .22 Auto Pistols Complete Gun Guide Ruger Mark III Disassembly and Reassembly Guide Ruger Mark IV Pistols Disassembly and Reassembly Guide Ruger Single Action Disassembly and Reassembly Guide 1911 Disassembly and Reassembly Guide Glock Disassembly and Reassembly Guide Springfield XD and XDM Disassembly and Reassembly Guide Smith & Wesson M&P Disassembly and Reassembly Guide Mossberg Pump Shotguns Disassembly and Reassembly Guide Mauser Rifle Disassembly and Reassembly Guide Mosin Nagant Rifle Disassembly and Reassembly Guide AR-15 Rifle Disassembly and Reassembly Guide M1 Carbine Disassembly and Reassembly Guide M1 Garand Rifle Disassembly and Reassembly Guide 1903 Springfield Rifle Disassembly and Reassembly Guide U.S. Military Firearms S&W SW22 Victory Pistol Disassembly and Reassembly Guide S&W M&P 15-22 Disassembly and Reassembly Guide Remington 700 Rifle Disassembly and Reassembly Guide Remington Shotguns Disassembly and Reassembly Guide
Ruger 10/22 Complete Gun Guide

RUGER® 10/22® The Complete Gun-Guide® for All Models
The only current printed manual that includes information on ALL models from 1964 ~ 2016.
Includes Carbine, Rifle, International, Takedown, SR-22 and Charger Models
67 pages & 106 high-resolution gray-scale images
COMPLETE Disassembly & Reassembly
Includes all serial numbers and manufacture dates for all models from 1964 ~ 2017!
Easy to use - Comb binding lies open and flat on your work surface
Cardstock cover. Bright white paper
UPC # 045635885639
The Complete Gun Guide ~ Ruger 10/22 Rifle
Item # GG-CG1022.....$12.75 + $2.75 S&H ~ Includes Tracking
No Exports
Mini 14 and Mini 30 Complete Gun Guide

Mini Thirty, & Deerfield Carbine
UPDATED March 2016!
• The only current printed manual that includes information on ALL models from 1972 ~ 2006.
• Includes all serial numbers and manufacture dates for all models from 1972 ~ 2015!
• Easy to use -- Comb binding lies open and flat on your work surface.
• 56 pages & 66 high-resolution grayscale images.
• Printed in the USA with card stock cover and bright white paper
•UPC: 400100239872
Parts Diagram Drawings, Field Stripping and Full Disassembly Instructions including Hammer and Trigger Assembly, Very Helpful when installing a TriggerShims Brand Trigger Shim Kit
Makes a Very Nice Gift, No Mini-14 Owner Should be Without This Guide!
The Complete Gun Guide ~ Mini- 14 and Mini-30
Item # GG-CG1430.....$12.75 + $2.75 S&H ~ Includes Tracking
No Exports
Ruger Complete Gun Guide .22 Automatic Pistols 1947 ~ 2004
The COMPLETE Gun-Guide® for RUGER® .22 Automatic Pistols

RUGER .22 Automatic Pistols 1947 ~ 2004
For your Ruger Standard, Mark I, Mark II, 22/45, Competition, Government, Slab-sides and all special models prior to the release of the new Mark III series introduced in 2005
The only CURRENT printed manual that includes information on ALL models from 1947 ~ 2004 (Mark I, Mark II, 22/45, etc.)
Easy to use -- lies open and flat on your work surface
56 pages - 55 high-resolution grayscale images
Includes "rare" complete serial numbers and manufacturing dates from 1949 ~ 2004
Printed in the USA with card stock cover and bright white paper.
UPC: 827624391273
The Complete Gun Guide ~ Ruger .22 Automatic Pistols 1947 ~ 2004
Item # GG-CG22P.....$12.75 + $2.75 S&H ~ Includes Tracking
No Exports
Ruger Mark III Disassembly and Reassembly Guide
The Disassembly and Reassembly Guide for the Mark III Pistols

Ruger Mark III Series 22 Pistols
Standard, Target, Government Target,
Competition, Hunter and 22/45 Models.
• The only current printed manual that includes information on ALL models.
• Specific disassembly and reassembley instructions for the differences between the Standard and 22/45 models.
• Easy to use -- Comb binding lies open and flat on your work surface.
• 19 pages & 36 high-resolution grayscale images.
• Cardstock cover. Bright white paper
The Disassembly and Reassembly Guide ~ Ruger Mark III Pistols
Item # GG-DRMarkIII.....$8.75 + $2.75 S&H ~ Includes Tracking
No Exports
Ruger Mark IV Disassembly and Reassembly Guide

The Disassembly & Reassembly Guide for the Ruger Mark IV
•The only current printed manual that includes information on ALL models.
•Easy to use -- Comb binding lies open and flat on your work surface.
•26 pages & 69 + high-resolution grayscale images.
•Printed in the USA with card stock cover and bright white paper
•Standard, Target, Hunter, Competition, Tactical, and all 22/45 models.
•Includes Exploded view and numbered list of all 74 parts for the RUGER, Mark IV and 22/45TM models.
•27 Must-have upgrades and accessories
•UPC: 689727599785
The Disassembly and Reassembly Guide for Ruger Mark IV
Item # GG-DRMK-IV.....$8.75 + $2.75 S&H ~ Includes Tracking
No Exports
Ruger Single Action Disassembly and Reassembly Guide

The Disassembly and Reassembly Guide for the Ruger Single Action Revolver
Ruger® Single Action Revolvers
For your Blackhawk, Super Blackhawk, Vaquero
and Bisley Models
• The only current printed manual that includes information on ALL models.
• Easy to use -- Comb binding lies open and flat on your work surface.
• 16 pages & 20+ high-resolution grayscale images.
• Cardstock cover. Bright white paper
•UPC: 400100347102
The Disassembly and Reassembly Guide ~ Ruger Single Action
Item # GG-DRSA.....$8.75 + $2.75 S&H ~ Includes Tracking
No Exports
1911 Pistol Disassembly and Reassembly Guide

The Disassembly and Reassembly Guide for the Model 1911 Pistols
• The only current printed manual that includes information on ALL models.
• Easy to use -- Comb binding lies open and flat on your work surface.
• 16 pages & 20 + high-resolution grayscale images.
• Cardstock cover. Bright white paper
• UPC: 400100347126
The Model 1911 Series Pistols Disassembly and Reassembly Guide covers all variants of 1911 pistols, made by countless manufacturers, including the M1911, M1911A1, and Series 70/80 and gives a brief history of the 1911, and in-depth disassembly of the entire pistol, as well as tips to facilitate reassembly. An exploded parts view clearly identifies 54 parts by name.
The Disassembly and Reassembly Guide ~ 1911 Pistols
Item # GG-DRModel1911.....$8.75 + $2.75 S&H ~ Includes Tracking
No Exports
Glock Disassembly and Reassembly Guide

The Disassembly and Reassembly Guide for the Glock Pistol
•The only current printed manual that includes information on ALL models.
•Easy to use -- Comb binding lies open and flat on your work surface
•16 pages & 20 high-resolution grayscale images.
•Printed in the USA with card stock cover and bright white paper
•UPC: 689727599792
GEN 1 2 3 4 5 Model 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 45 48 X and MOS versions.
The Disassembly and Reassembly Guide ~ Glock Pistol
Item # GG-DRGlock.....$8.75 + $2.75 S&H ~ Includes Tracking
No Exports
Springfield XD and XDM Pistol Disassembly and Reassembly Guide

The Disassembly and Reassembly Guide for the Springfield XD & XDM Pistol Pistol
•The only current printed manual that includes information on ALL models.
•Easy to use -- Comb binding lies open and flat on your work surface.
•16 pages & 32 high-resolution grayscale images.
•Cardstock cover. Bright white paper
•UPC: 400100347232
The Disassembly and Reassembly Guide ~ Springfield XD & XDM Pistols
Item # GG-DRSpringfield.....$8.75 + $2.75 S&H ~ Includes Tracking
No Exports
Smith & Wesson M&P Pistols Disassembly and Reassembly Guide

The Disassembly and Reassembly Guide for the Smith & Wesson M&P Pistols
•The only current printed manual that includes information on ALL models.
•Easy to use -- Comb binding lies open and flat on your work surface.
•20 pages & 52 high-resolution grayscale images.
•Printed in the USA with card stock cover and bright white paper
•UPC: 661799430913
The Disassembly and Reassembly Guide ~ Smith & Wesson M&P Pistols
Item # GG-DRS&WM&P.....$8.75 + $2.75 S&H ~ Includes Tracking
No Exports
Remington 870 Shotgun Disassembly and Reassembly Guide

The Disassembly and Reassembly Guide for the Remington 870
•The Remington 870 is the most popular shotgun ever made.
• The only current printed manual that includes information on ALL models.
• Easy to use -- Comb binding lies open and flat on your work surface.
• 16 pages & 20 + high-resolution grayscale images.
• Printed in the USA with card stock cover and bright white paper
•UPC: 400100347058
The Disassembly and Reassembly Guide ~ Remington 870 Gun Guide
Item # GG-DRRem870.....$8.75 + $2.75 S&H ~ Includes Tracking
No Exports
Remington 1100 / 11-87 Shotgun Disassembly and Reassembly Guide

The Disassembly and Reassembly Guide for the Remington 1100 / 11-87
• Model 1100
• The only current printed manual that includes information on ALL models.
• Easy to use -- Comb binding lies open and flat on your work surface.
• 16 pages & 20 + high-resolution grayscale images.
• Printed in the USA with card stock cover and bright white paper
•UPC: 400100347065
The Disassembly and Reassembly Guide ~ Remington 1100 / 11-87 Gun Guide
Item # GG-DRRem1100.....$8.75 + $2.75 S&H ~ Includes Tracking
No Exports
Mossberg Pump Shotgun Disassembly and Reassembly Guide

The Disassembly and Reassembly Guide for the Mossberg 500
• The only current printed manual that includes information on ALL models ~
Includes 500, 505, 510, 535, 590, 835, and all Maverick models.
• Easy to use -- Comb binding lies open and flat on your work surface.
• 24 pages & 38 + high-resolution grayscale images.
• 4 Exploded parts diagrams of ALL parts.
• Complete disassembly, cleaning, lubrication, and reassembly.
• Perfect for light reading or intensive step-by-step instruction.
• Printed in the USA with card stock cover and bright white paper
• UPC: 400100347119
The Disassembly and Reassembly Guide for the Mossberg 500
Item # GG-DRMoss500.....$8.75 + $2.75 S&H ~ Includes Tracking
No Exports
AR-15 Rifle Disassembly and Reassembly Guide

The Disassembly and Reassembly Guide for the AR-15 Modern Sporting Rifle
Disassembly, cleaning, lubrication, and reassembly for all models.
For your Colt, Bushmaster, Olympic Arms, Armalite, Rock River, DPMS, Stag Arms, and countless other manufacturers... Updated 2016
•The only current printed manual that includes information on ALL models.
•Easy to use -- Comb binding lies open and flat on your work surface.
•26 pages & 42 + high-resolution grayscale images.
•Printed in the USA with card stock cover and bright white paper
•Great for Beginners, I especially like the Crisp Clear Parts Diagrams
•See my Wolff Gunsprings Page for a Complete AR-15 Replacement Spring Kit
•UPC: 400100347072
The Disassembly and Reassembly Guide for the AR-15 Rifle
Item # GG-DRAR-15.....$8.75 + $2.75 S&H ~ Includes Tracking
No Exports
Mauser Rifle Disassembly and Reassembly Guide

The Disassembly & Reassembly Guide for All Models 98K M48 Mauser Rifles
•The only current printed manual that includes information on ALL models.
•Easy to use -- Comb binding lies open and flat on your work surface.
•16 pages & 30 + high-resolution grayscale images.
•Printed in the USA with card stock cover and bright white paper
•Includes a Brief History of the Mauser K98k and M48
•The Mauser 98 series rifle is the longest serving combat rifle in history.
•UPC: 400100347201
The Disassembly and Reassembly Guide for Mauser Rifles
Item # GG-DRMauser.....$8.75 + $2.75 S&H ~ Includes Tracking
No Exports
Mosin Nagant Rifle
Disassembly and Reassembly Guide

The Disassembly & Reassembly Guide for Mosin Nagant Rifles
•The only current printed manual that includes information on ALL models.
•Easy to use -- Comb binding lies open and flat on your work surface.
•16 pages & 39 + high-resolution grayscale images.
•Printed in the USA with card stock cover and bright white paper
•Includes a Brief History of the Mosin-Nagant Rifle.
•UPC: 400100347157
The Disassembly and Reassembly Guide for Mosin - Nagant Rifles
Item # GG-DRMosin.....$8.75 + $2.75 S&H ~ Includes Tracking
No Exports
Mosin Nagant Trigger Shims
Stainless Steel Trigger Shims for the Mosin's Rifle and Variants
An Essential Part of Any Trigger Job

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2 Pak comes in .002"
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30 Pak Gunsmith Special Assortment comes with 6 each .002", .003", .004", .005" and .006"
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M1 Carbine Disassembly and Reassembly Guide

The Disassembly & Reassembly Guide for M1 Carbine
•The only current printed manual that includes information on ALL models.
•Easy to use -- Comb binding lies open and flat on your work surface.
•16 pages & 39+ high-resolution grayscale images.
•Printed in the USA with card stock cover and bright white paper
•Includes a Brief History of the M1 Carbine
•UPC: 400100347225
The Disassembly and Reassembly Guide for
Item # GG-DRM1Carbine.....$8.75 + $2.75 S&H ~ Includes Tracking
No Exports
M1 Garand Rifle Disassembly and Reassembly Guide

The Disassembly & Reassembly Guide for the M1 Garand
•The only current printed manual that includes information on ALL models.
•Easy to use -- Comb binding lies open and flat on your work surface.
•16 pages & 20 + high-resolution grayscale images.
•Printed in the USA with card stock cover and bright white paper
•“In my opinion, the M1 Rifle is the greatest battle implement ever devised.” LGEN George S. Patton, Jr.
•UPC: 400100347140
The Disassembly and Reassembly Guide for the M1 Garand
Item # GG-DRM1.....$8.75 + $2.75 S&H ~ Includes Tracking
No Exports
1903 Springfield Rifle Disassembly and Reassembly Guide

The Disassembly & Reassembly Guide for the 1903 Springfield Rifles
•The only current printed manual that includes information on ALL models.
•Easy to use -- Comb binding lies open and flat on your work surface.
•16 pages & 37 + high-resolution grayscale images.
•Printed in the USA with card stock cover and bright white paper
•Serial number ranges with dates from all manufacturers.
•Includes a Brief History of the Model 1903 Springfield Rifles
•UPC: 400100347287
The Disassembly and Reassembly Guide for 1903 Springfield Rifles
Item # GG-DRSpring1903.....$8.75 + $2.75 S&H ~ Includes Tracking
No Exports
U.S. Military Firearms Disassembly and Reassembly Guide

This 100 page Gun-Guide is a compilation of five of our very popular Gun-Guides that focus on U.S. Military Firearms. The AR-15 is the civilian version (semi-auto) of the Military M16 (selective fire)
•A Compilation of 5 of our very popular DISASSEMBLY & REASSEMBLY GUIDES
•Easy to use -- Comb binding lies open and flat on your work surface.
•100 pages with Many High-Resolution Grayscale Images. Clear and concise instructions guide you through each step of the disassembly process. Also includes reassembly tips, history, and accessory pages.
•Printed in the USA with card stock cover and bright white paper.
•M1903 Springfield
•M1911 .45 ACP Pistol
•M1 Garand
•M1 Carbine
•AR-15 / MSR *NEW* Revised Version
•UPC: 400100347317
The Disassembly and Reassembly Guide for U.S. Military Firearms
Item # GG-DRMilX5.....$25.00 + $2.75 S&H ~ Includes Tracking
No Exports
Smith & Wesson SW22 and VICTORY Disassembly and Reassembly Guide

The Disassembly & Reassembly Guide for the Smith & Wesson SW22 and VICTORY
•The only current printed manual that includes information on ALL models.
•Easy to use -- Comb binding lies open and flat on your work surface.
•26 pages & 54 + high-resolution grayscale images.
•Printed in the USA with card stock cover and bright white paper
• Includes a complete parts list and illustrated exploded view of ALL parts
•UPC: 045635886001
The Disassembly and Reassembly Guide for Smith & Wesson SW22 and VICTORY
Item # GG-DRS&W22VIC.....$8.75 + $2.75 S&H ~ Includes Tracking
No Exports
Smith & Wesson M&P 15-22 Sport Disassembly and Reassembly Guide

The Disassembly & Reassembly Guide for the Smith & Wesson M&P 15-22 Sport
•The only current printed manual that includes information on ALL models.
•Easy to use -- Comb binding lies open and flat on your work surface.
•26 pages & 53 + high-resolution grayscale images.
•Printed in the USA with card stock cover and bright white paper
•3 pages of exploded parts diagrams of all 61 parts
•Perfect for light reading or intensive step-by-step instruction
•UPC: 689727599730
The Disassembly and Reassembly Guide for Smith & Wesson M&P 15-22
Item # GG-M&P 15-22.....$8.75 + $2.75 S&H ~ Includes Tracking
No Exports
Remington Model 700 Bolt Action Rifle Disassembly and Reassembly Guide

The Disassembly & Reassembly Guide for the Remington Model 700 Bolt Action Rifle
•The only current printed manual that includes information on ALL models.
•Easy to use -- Comb binding lies open and flat on your work surface.
•20 pages & 41 + high-resolution grayscale images.
•Printed in the USA with card stock cover and bright white paper
•NEW January 2016
•Introduced in 1962
•UPC: 045635885660
The Disassembly and Reassembly Guide for Remington Model 700 Bolt Action Rifle
Item # GG-REM700.....$8.75 + $2.75 S&H ~ Includes Tracking
No Exports
1903 SPRINGFIELD RIFLES 400100347287
1911 SERIES PISTOL 400100347126
AK - 47 RIFLE 400100347089
BUCKMARK PISTOL 400100347133
AR - 15 / MSR RIFLE 400100347072
GLOCK 2019 689727599792
HI-POINT PISTOLS 689727599488
M1 CARBINE 400100347225
M1 GARAND RIFLE 400100347140
MAUSER RIFLE 400100347201
MOSSBERG Shotguns 400100347119
ROMANIAN M-69 RIFLES 045635886070
REMINGTON 700 RIFLES 045635885660
REMINGTON 870 Shotguns 400100347058
REMINGTON 1100 Shotguns 400100347065
RUGER MARK - IV 22 Pistols 689727599785
RUGER SA REVOLVER 400100347102
SIG SAUER P365 PISTOLS 306659852008
SKS RIFLE 400100347096
SMITH M&P & SHIELD PISTOL 661799430913
SMITH M&P 15-22 RIMFIRE RIFLE 689727599730
SMITH VICTORY 22 PISTOL 045635886001
WINCHESTER 1300 Shotgun 400100347164
US MILITARY FIREARMS (Compilation of 5 Guides) 400100347317
RUGER 10/22 RIFLE 045635885639
RUGER MINI-14 RIFLE 400100239872
RUGER .22 AUTO PISTOL 827624391273
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I will Ship Shims to USA, Canada and International
Gun Parts Shipped to USA Only

"American Made Gun Shims" - GunShims.com - TriggerShims.com
TriggerShims is a Trademark
Shively Sales
Michigan Center, Michigan
All Material Copyright of Lance Shively
2008 ~ 2025
If you have any questions or safety concerns, see a qualified Gunsmith.
I manage this site myself, Please Report Any Website Problems to;
Lance at Webmaster@TriggerShims.com
Republic.... I like the sound of the word. It means people can live free, talk free, go or come, buy or sell, be drunk or sober, however they choose. Some words give you a feeling. Republic is one of those words that makes me tight in the throat - the same tightness a man gets when his baby takes his first step or his first baby shaves and makes his first sound as a man. Some words can give you a feeling that makes your heart warm. Republic is one of those words. - John Wayne in the Alamo