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Bolt Shim Page

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Rebellion Against Tyrants is Obedience to God
~ Benjamin Franklin ~

Manufacturer of
Trigger Shims Brand
American Made Gun Shims
- Home of -

Gun Shims
Gun Smith Supplies
Since 2008

We Manufacture the Widest Selection of Gun Shims to be Found Anywhere on the Planet

100% American Family Owned

Shively Sales - Manufacturer of
TriggerShims Brand
Gun Shims
Michigan Center, Michigan

"Better to be poor and honest than to be dishonest and rich." Proverbs 28:6

Contact Us

~ Send Lance an Email ~

~ Quick Links to Items on This Page ~

Index for Bolt Shim on Our Website

Index for Bolt Shim Sizes

Bolt Shim Reviews - Under Construction

TECH TIP: Lance's Bolt Shim Instructions ~ A General Guide

LANCE'S TECH TIP: Rimfire Headspace

Tech Tip: Anschutz 1712 w/ Targets

I just wanted to say, that your bolt shims are just what the doctor ordered.
It is not often that you find such a simple fix to anything, but these truly are.
Thank You! Trent in UT

Index for Bolt Shim on Our Website
TriggerShims Snek

Rimfire Rifle Bolt Shim Index

BoltShim-INDEX 9/24

Our Ever Expanding Selection of Rimfire Rifle Bolt Shims

Links to Our List of .22 Rifle Bolt and Barrel Shims

  1. Anschutz 54 ~ Now In Stock!
  2. Bergara B-14R Rimfire Bolt Shims
  3. CZ and BRNO Rimfire Bolt Shims
  4. CZ 457 Rimfire Bolt Shims
  5. Kimber 82G Target Rifle Bolt Shims
  6. Lithgow LA 101 and SA 2020 Rimfire
  7. Marlin 80 / 983 Rimfire Bolt Shims
  8. Mossberg 44 U.S. Bolt
  9. Mossberg 144 LSB Bolt
  10. Remington 5 Bolt Shims
  11. Remington 40X Bolt Shims
  12. Remington 504T Bolt Shims
  13. Remington 513T / 521T Rimfire Rifle
  14. Remington 540X Bolt Shims
  15. Ruger American Rimfire Bolt Shims
  16. Ruger 77/17 77/22 Bolt Shims
  17. Savage BMag Bolt Shims
  18. Savage MKII Bolt Shims - Prototype
  19. Springfield Armory Model 2020 Rimfire
  20. Suhl 150 Rimfire Rifle
  21. Tikka T1x and Sako P72 / M78 Rimfire Rifle / Walther KK300
  22. Walther KK500 Rimfire Bolt Shims
  23. Winchester 43 and 52 Bolt Shims
  24. Winchester 69 and 75 Bolt Shims
  25. ~ Barrel Shims ~

  26. CZ 455/457 Barrel Shims
  27. 10/22 Barrel Shims
  28. 2500X and Trident Barrel Shims
  29. 3/4" Shank Bull Barrel Shims

NOTE: email me to be put on a list to Request a New Bolt Shim ~ Send Lance an Email ~

Unsolicited Testimonial:
Just a friendly note on the bolt shims I purchased and installed. My 5 shot group went from dime size at 50 yds to everyone touching and not being able to count individual holes.
Thank You for a Great Product ~ Riley in WV

Unsolicited Testimonial:
Lance, I simply wanted to say thank you for providing Bolt Shims. My first one installed was on my Bergara B-14 22 Trainer. I won the club season matches in 2022. It's more accurate now than my winning season. After seeing an improvement, in an already accurate rifle, I've shimmed my Bergara Shooting Rimfire barreled action, two CZ 457, my 2020 Springfield, and my my 54 Annie. The Anschutz allowed for 5th place in the IR 50/50 factory class last year. I shimmed it yesterday. The common fliers were less frequent and overall consistency was improved. A noticeable improvement was seen in all the rifles.
Thanks again for offering a great product ~ Rob in NC

Index for Bolt Shim Sizes

Selection of Rimfire Rifle Bolt Shims Sorted by Size

Sorted by I.D. Size

  1. .357 x .595 Remington 540X Bolt
  2. .376 x .500 Ruger American Rimfire Rifle Bolt Shims
  3. .376 x .565 CZ 457 Rimfire Bolt
  4. .376 x .690 Orphan Bolt Shim
  5. .442 x .555 Remington 5 / Zastava
  6. .442 x .595 Mossberg 44 U.S. Bolt and H&R M12
  7. .442 x .648 Ruger 77/22 Bolt
  8. .450 x .565 Winchester 69A / 75S Bolt
  9. .450 x .595 Marlin 983 Bolt & Remington 504T
  10. .480 x .570 Remington 513
  11. .480 x .610 Mossberg 144 LSB
  12. .480 x .640 Savage B.Mag Bolt
  13. .480 x .751 Walther KK500 Bolt Shim
  14. .500 x .610 Kimber 82 U.S. Bolt
  15. .500 x .648 Bergara B14-R Bolt
  16. .511 x .648 Winchester 52 / Suhl 150 Bolt
  17. .532 x .640 Anschutz 54
  18. .555 x .670 Tikka T1x - Sako / Weihrauch / Walther KK300
  19. .570 x .690 Remington 40X Bolt
  20. .595 x .690 Lithgow LA101 Bolt / Springfield 2020 Rimfire
  21. .610 x .690 CZ / BRNO Bolt ~ Also Fits: Diana R22, Webley & Scott Xocet
    Sorted by I.D. Size

  23. .690 X .900 10/22 Rifle Barrel Shims
  24. .710 X .850 CZ Barrel Shim
  25. .730 X .900 2500X Barrel Shim
  26. .751 X .900 Bull Barrel Shims

Sorted by O.D. Size

  1. .376 x .500 Ruger American Rimfire Rifle Bolt Shims
  2. .442 x .555 Remington 5 / Zastava
  3. .376 x .565 CZ 457 Rimfire Bolt
  4. .450 x .565 Winchester 69A / 75S Bolt
  5. .480 x .570 Remington 513
  6. .357 x .595 Remington 540X Bolt
  7. .442 x .595 Mossberg 44 U.S. Bolt and H&R M12
  8. .450 x .595 Marlin 983 Bolt & Remington 504T
  9. .500 x .610 Kimber 82 U.S. Bolt
  10. .480 x .610 Mossberg 144 LSB
  11. .532 x .640 Anschutz 54
  12. .442 x .648 Ruger 77/22 Bolt
  13. .480 x .640 Savage B.Mag Bolt
  14. .500 x .648 Bergara B14-R Bolt
  15. .511 x .648 Winchester 52 / Suhl 150 Bolt
  16. .555 x .670 Tikka T1x - Sako / Weihrauch / Walther KK300
  17. .376 x .690 Orphan Bolt Shim
  18. .570 x .690 Remington 40X Bolt
  19. .595 x .690 Lithgow LA101 Bolt / Springfield 2020 Rimfire
  20. .610 x .690 CZ / BRNO Bolt ~ Also Fits: Diana R22, Webley & Scott Xocet
  21. .480 x .751 Walther KK500 Bolt Shim
    Sorted by O.D. Size

  23. .710 X .850 CZ Barrel Shim
  24. .690 X .900 10/22 Rifle Barrel Shims
  25. .730 X .900 2500X Barrel Shim
  26. .751 X .900 Bull Barrel Shims


Hi Lance, Just wanted to let you know that I received the bolt shims, installed them, and am very happy with the accuracy improvement. I changed the barrel on my 457 from 22 lr to 22 mag, and it shot well with several brands of ammo. However, I need to hunt with lead-free ammo around here, and the only kind I can get is Winchester Varmint LF. I was shooting groups around 2 MOA, and had quite a few misfires. My groups tightened to about half that with the shims, and I also cut way down on misfires. Thanks! James in CA

Bolt Shim Instructions
TriggerShims Snek

Rimfire Bolt Shim Installation
~ A General Guide ~

Rimmed Cartridges use the thickness of the cartridge rim for head-spacing.
.22 Rimfires Headspace on the Case Rim, and the actual head space is in the recessed face of the bolt.
Generally Speaking there is extra room left in production guns between the Bolt and Breech to accommodate a wide variety of ammunition with varying rim thicknesses
You should first measure the depth of your bolt face pocket to insure it meets SAAMI minimum depth.
Shimming between the two bolt halves ensures the bolt is seating the cartridge up gently against the breech with your chosen brand of ammunition.
You can use our color coded numbered shims like a gauge to find the when the bolt face touches the barrel breech face, and then calculate where you want to be with your bolt headspace depth and rim thickness measurements.
I cannot tell you which shim best works with your rifle, you decide that yourself by fitting and feel and by shooting.
Installing Bolt Shims requires fitting by hand, and checking with the Bolt installed in the Rifle, and Locked Down - you do not measure with the Bolt out of the Rifle.
To establish the Bolt/Breech fit, shims are installed and fitted on an empty chamber.
If possible it may give you a better feel if you leave the extractors off some rifles while fitting shims.
Start with a 4 or 5 Pak of shims, install the .0015" or .002" thinnest shim and see how your bolt closes, if it seems to close as normal, then continue to install each thicker shim until the bolt starts to close harder than normal. At the point where your bolt begins to close hard, that was the amount of slack that was in your bolt, measured by whatever shim or shims combined were needed to bring the bolt up tight to the breech. Now it is best to remove that shim, and step back one number, example would be if a .005" Red shim causes the bolt handle to close harder than normal, then take it out and install a .004" Purple.
If you have to force or put undue stress on your bolt to close it, you should reduce the number of shims. You will generally only use 1 of the 4 or 5 shims in the package, but you can stack shims together if needed. When you have the correct shim installed, your bolt should close normally or just (ever-so) slightly tighter than normal. If the bolt closes slightly tight, it is best to back up one step, remove .001"
Put a very small drop of oil on the shim. Now you can go to the range and with the barrel pointed in a safe direction, once again check fit with your favorite ammo.
Due to variations in rim thickness, you may have to reduce the thickness of shims, remember you have already removed all the excess headspace from the bolt/breech, so now the only thing to do is remove thickness (shims) if / as needed to get to your sweet spot or required headspace for the rim thickness of your favorite cartridge.
For Longest Shim Life use a drop of oil or a (very small amount of) grease on your shim.
If you have to force or put undue stress on your bolt to close it, you should reduce the number of shims. A minimum of clearance should be maintained, while maintaining proper headspace. Do not put undue stress on the bolt by shimming too tightly as it is unnecessary!
At no time do you want to force the bolt to close, did I explain that clearly?
If you have any question, use a headspace gauge to check for proper headspace.
Bolt Shims have in many instances cured light strikes. Will they help with Accuracy? Don't take my word for it, Read our Customer Reviews or ask our Customers
Simply Chambering More Consistently Yields More Consistent Results.
Your Satisfaction is Guaranteed, if you feel you receive no benefit you may send your shims back for a Full Refund.

TriggerShims Bolt Shim Instructions Copyright June/2023

Click Here for ~ Everything You Need To Know About Headspace from Kurt the Gunsmith


Tech Tip: Rimfire Headspace
TriggerShims Snek

Lance's Tech Tip: Match Chamber and Rimfire Headspace

The Match Chamber, and Rimfire Headspace are two different things.
Generally a Match Chamber is simply a chamber that is held to a tighter tolerance than a production rifle chamber using Premium or Match Chamber Reamers
A discussion of the Match Rimfire Chamber by Eagle Eye Shooting can be found here: (link)

The Chamber is in the barrel, and with a rimfire rifle, the headspace is in the bolt face. The bolt face is manufactured or machined to an average to function with many types of ammunition, both thick rims and thin, and the bolt is installed in a production rifle with additional space so as not to require hand fitting. Knowing how this works you can check and sometimes the bolt can be adjusted to better fit your favorite ammunition.

By reading and understanding the information and examples on the CZ page titled;
TECH TIP PDF: Measuring Headspace on your CZ 457 Rifle by Jack Behrman (link)
you can see that:
1) The Chamber is in the Barrel, and does not affect the Headspace
2) The Headspace is in the Bolt, and it's depth can be measured
3) The distance between closed Bolt Face, and the Barrel Breech can vary several thousandths of an inch.
4) The Bolt can be adjusted to move the face forward using shims, and the Barrel can be set back using a lathe, or forward using shims.

Conditions reported to us over the years by customers on different brands of rimfire rifles but specifically CZ Rimfire Rifles range from too tight and forcing the bolt face against the breech with excessive force, to too loose by as much as 0.006" or more. It is very simple to measure your Bolt Face Headspace using a Depth Micrometer, or Caliper, and then use our shims as a measuring tool to shim the bolt to touch the breech by feel.
See my LANCE'S TECH TIP: Rimfire Bolt Shim Installation ~ A General Guide ~ for more information
Using those two numbers, you can better decide what to adjust for best consistency with the rim thickness of your preferred ammunition. If in the unlikely chance your bolt is too tight from the factory, we manufacture Barrel Shims that can be used to address that problem on CZ rifles by moving the barrel forward. A much more likely scenario is to move a slightly slack bolt forward using our Bolt Shims.
It is a fact that if you more uniformly chamber your rounds, you can expect better accuracy simply through consistency.

Accuracy through Consistency - simply put production rifles have a large headspace to accommodate a wide range of rim thicknesses. Precision shooting involves eliminating variables for best accuracy, and using a bolt shim to adjust the headspace to fit a specific rim thickness better is all this involves.
The same principal used if you were to purchase a long shank replacement barrel, you would need a barrel shim to adjust for optimum headspace.


Isaiah 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

BOX# Bolt Shim Reviews

TECH TIP: Bolt Shim Reviews

Good Morning Lance,
Another testimonial from a very happy customer. As previously mentioned, I was having failure to extract issues with my CZ457 with a custom ibi barrel. At first I considered that I potentially had a very close tolerance chamber, (which I do - cut with EleyEPS reamer), that was specific for only some types of ammunition. Or perhaps there were imperfections present that interfered with extraction(?). But given the fact that extraction was 100% with some ammo, and dropped to 60-70% with others, led me to measuring rim thickness. There was a consistent difference of 0.002 to 0.003 difference. Bit of a “Aha!” moment. Perhaps there was a bolt/extractor engagement issue. After visiting several websites, chat rooms, etc. I went back to ibi to confirm that I was on the right track. Excellent customer service from these folks, and a subsequent email confirmation that I was on the right path was received. They also list as the go-to for quality products related to bolt or barrel shims. I visited your site, read other folks reviews and committed to giving the bolt shimming process a try. Following the suggested trial/error fitting procedure, I was up to .007 before I noticed a definite resistance on closing the bolt. Backed off and refitted with shims totalling .0065. Resistance was less and it was time to go to the range for confirmation. Priority one was to determine if the ammunition that I was having major extraction issues with would actually cycle properly. Not one failure out of the first 10 rounds. However, I did note a stiff bolt closure on some cartridges Again, following your direction provided on your site, I backed off to .005 and tried again. Fired a full 100 rounds without one failure! Bolt engagement feels just fine. What a revelation! It would be an understatement to say I’m extremely happy with the result. Your shims are an easy install on the CZ457, and allows me to return to one of my favourite ammunition lines with confidence. Thank you again for making such a great product. Believe I will order another set, just in case lol!
Kindest Regards ~ Stephen in BC

Customer Mike from PA Writes:
Lance, just a note to share the joy :-) your shims in my CZ 457 AT-ONE cut my groups (5 groups of 5 shots including cold bore shot) from 4 inch total of all five groups to 2.065 total of all five groups, almost in half. The CZ needed .007" of shims. It was little hard to open the bolt after firing so I backed down to 006, using a 004 and 002. Still shot a 7/16, a 5/16, a 3/8, a 7/16, a 5/8. Than I put 9 shots in 9/16 at 50 yds. I used to be sure of a 3/4 inch group, with an few 1/2 inch groups. I can't wait to see what I get at 100 yds and 150yds ~ Thank you for your product!

Bolt Shims In Production as of
December 18 2022

Bolt Shims Sorted by OD Size

  1. .376 x .500 Ruger American Rimfire Rifle Bolt Shims
  2. .376 x .565 CZ 457 Rimfire Bolt
  3. .376 x .690 Orphan Bolt Shim Bolt
  4. .450 x .565 Winchester 69A / 75S Bolt
  5. .480 x .570 Remington 513
  6. .357 x .595 Remington 540X Bolt
  7. .442 x .595 Mossberg 44 U.S. Bolt
  8. .450 x .595 Marlin 983 Bolt & Remington 504T
  9. .500 x .610 Kimber 82 U.S. Bolt
  10. .480 x .610 Mossberg 144 LSB
  11. .532 x .640 Anschutz 54
  12. .442 x .648 Ruger 77/22 Bolt
  13. .480 x .648 Savage MKII Bolt
  14. .500 x .648 Bergara B14-R Bolt
  15. .511 x .648 Winchester 52 / Suhl 150 Bolt
  16. .550 x .670 Tikka T1x
  17. .570 x .690 Remington 40X Bolt
  18. .595 x .690 Lithgow LA101 Bolt
  19. .610 x .690 CZ / BRNO Bolt
  20. .480 x .751 Walther KK500 Bolt Shim

* All Available in New 5 Paks

~ Gunsmithing Journal ~

CZ-457 Accuracy:
The Most Affordable Way to Accurize Your CZ

An In-Depth Article in a Prominent Gunsmithing Journal about Bolt Shims
~ Click Photo to Open CZ-457 Accuracy in a New Tab ~

Quote from Kurt's Article ~ How Bolt Shims Work to Improve CZ-457 Accuracy
"It is no secret that headspace plays a huge role in rifle accuracy. On rimmed cartridges, such as the 17 HMR, .22 LR, and 22 Mag, the headspace is measured off the thickness of the cartridge rim. The tighter the headspace, the more consistent the cartridge will be positioned in the chamber, and the more consistent it will ignite the powder. Accuracy is a direct by-product of consistency and repeatability."


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"American Made Gun Shims" - -
TriggerShims is a Trademark
Shively Sales
Michigan Center, Michigan

Copyright 2008 ~ 2022

God Bless and Make America Great Again!


If you have any questions or safety concerns, see a qualified Gunsmith.

I manage this site myself, Please Report Any Website Problems to;
Lance at

Republic.... I like the sound of the word. It means people can live free, talk free, go or come, buy or sell, be drunk or sober, however they choose. Some words give you a feeling. Republic is one of those words that makes me tight in the throat - the same tightness a man gets when his baby takes his first step or his first baby shaves and makes his first sound as a man. Some words can give you a feeling that makes your heart warm. Republic is one of those words. - John Wayne in the Alamo