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Frequently Asked Questions

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Rebellion Against Tyrants is Obedience to God
~ Benjamin Franklin ~

Manufacturer of
Trigger Shims Brand
American Made Gun Shims
- Home of -

Gun Shims
Gun Smith Supplies

America's Largest Gun Shim Company Since 2008


We Manufacture the Widest Selection of Gun Shims to be Found Anywhere on the Planet

100% American Family Owned

Shively Sales - Manufacturer of
TriggerShims Brand
Gun Shims
Michigan Center, Michigan

"Better to be poor and honest than to be dishonest and rich." Proverbs 28:6

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God Bless the U.S.A.

God Bless America


Frequently Asked Questions

~ Quick Links to Items on This Page ~

TriggerShims Color Code for Shims

FAQ's Wolff Gunsprings

TECH TIP VIDEO: How Long Will Bolt Shims Last?


To help you find answers to the most commonly asked questions

Q) What is a Trigger Shim?

A) manufactures small thin washers that take up excess clearance in firearm-specific applications.
A common problem with mass produced firearms is an excess amount of room between parts compared to a high-end custom made hand fitted gun.
This excess room between the parts can rub creating friction and can be felt as a "gritty action". manufactures Shim Washers specifically for Triggers, but also to address many different clearance issues affecting hundreds of different popular firearms.

TriggerShims is a Trademark Brand for Gun Shims we manufacture for not only Triggers, but Hammers, Bolts, Receivers, Bolt Catches, Cylinders, Yokes, Levers, Mainsprings, Firing Pins, Muzzle Brakes, Etc.

Gunsmiths have learned that if there is a common problem in a firearm that could be improved with a shim, likely makes it.

If you would like to order shims or shim kits;
We Appreciate Your Business!

We will ship the next business day from receiving your order.

I Personally Guarantee Your Satisfaction.
Thank You, we look forward to your order,

Canada and International Orders

Q. Do you ship Shims to Canada and Internationally?

A. Yes, I do Ship Shims Internationally - Shims Only - I do not export any other gun parts.
Anything other than Shims Ship to the USA Only, No Exports. No Exceptions.
Any order placed outside the USA that includes these parts, will be cancelled, No Exceptions.

FAQ TriggerShims Color Code for Shims Shim Thickness Color Code

All TriggerShims are Made in the USA from Precision Brand Stock and has a Guaranteed Factory Tolerance of plus or minus 10%

Shims are marked with colored permanant marker that will wear off, or strip off with oils or solvents
If you are testing plan on keeping your shims in separate marked small envelopes or using a micrometer.

  • .0015"- Yellow
  • .002" - Black
  • .003" - Blue
  • .004" - Purple
  • .005" - Red
  • .006" - Orange
  • .007" - Green
  • .008" - Pink
  • .009" - Brown
  • .010" - Yellow
  • Have you ever wondered how accurate your measuring tool is?

    Generally Speaking a Good Quality Caliper should be accurate to .001” and
    a Good Quality Micrometer should be accurate to .0001”
    Here is a quick and easy read about measuring tools and accuracy;

    Ultimate Guide to Measuring Caliper Accuracy

    The Ultimate Guide to Micrometers

    What are TriggerShims used for?

    TriggerShims are specialized shims designed for firearms. Let me provide you with some information about them:

    - Purpose and Types:
    - TriggerShims are thin, precision-cut metal shims that serve various purposes in firearms. They are used to adjust clearances, eliminate play, and improve the overall function of specific firearm components.
    - These shims come in different shapes and sizes, each tailored for a specific part of the gun. Some common types include:
    - Trigger Shims: Used to reduce side-to-side movement in the trigger mechanism.
    - Hammer Shims: Used to minimize wobbling or play in the hammer.
    - Cylinder Shims: Installed on revolver cylinders to remove excessive endshake (movement along the cylinder axis).
    - Bolt Shims, Receiver Shims, and others: Used for similar purposes in different firearm components .

    - Manufacturer:
    - TriggerShims are manufactured by a company called Shively Sales, which is based in Michigan Center, Michigan. They produce a brand of American-made gun shims known as TriggerShims. - These shims are precision-engineered to improve firearm performance and ensure a snug fit between critical parts. - Shively Sales has been in the business since 2008 and offers a wide selection of gun shims for various applications.

    - Philosophy and Support: - TriggerShims embraces a strong belief in individual rights and freedom. Their website includes quotes from historical figures like Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson, emphasizing the importance of liberty, self-defense, and the Second Amendment. - They support open carry rights and encourage responsible firearm ownership.
    - Their motto: "Rebellion Against Tyrants is Obedience to God" reflects their commitment to individual sovereignty and the right to bear arms.

    Remember, while TriggerShims may seem like a niche product, they play a crucial role in maintaining firearm reliability and safety. Whether you're a gunsmith or a firearm enthusiast, these precision shims can make a difference in your shooting experience.

    How do I install TriggerShims Brand shims?

    Installing TriggerShims brand shims can help improve the performance of your firearm triggers. Here are general instructions for installing these shims:

    Select the Right Shim Kit:

    First, ensure you have the correct shim kit for your specific firearm model. TriggerShims offers kits for various guns, including Ruger 10/22, Mini-14, and Ruger double-action revolvers.
    Disassemble Your Firearm: Unload your firearm and follow the manufacturer’s instructions to disassemble it. Pay attention to safety precautions.

    Hammer and Trigger Shims:
    TriggerShims typically include shims for the hammer and trigger components. Slide the disconnector pin (usually the bottom pin) slightly out (about 1/8 inch) to create space for the shim. Insert the shim on one side of the pin, ensuring it fits snugly. Apply a drop of gun oil to the shim. Slide the pin back in to secure the shim in place.

    Reassemble the Firearm: Carefully reassemble the hammer, trigger, sear, disconnector, bolt release, and magazine release components. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for proper reassembly.

    Test the Trigger: Once reassembled, test the trigger pull and check for any improvements. The shims should reduce side play, prevent rubbing, and enhance the trigger pull.

    Additional Tips: Some TriggerShims videos demonstrate specific installations for Ruger 10/22, Mini-14, and Ruger double-action revolvers1. Remember to follow safety guidelines and consult your firearm’s manual. Remember that specific models may have slight variations, so always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions or seek professional gunsmith assistance if needed. Stay safe and enjoy your improved trigger performance!

    Ruger 10/22 Shim Kit F.A.Q's

    What can I expect when installing your Shim Kit?
    Our Shim Kit will bring your trigger assembly up to the best it can produce, with smooth reliable operation. It will properly center the Trigger, Hammer, Sear and Disconnector reducing side play,  and can be used with all stock and most aftermarket triggers and hammers.

    Best of all, your satisfaction is guaranteed 100%!

    How much will the shim kit reduce my trigger pull?

    The Shively Sales Ruger 10/22 Trigger Shim Kit will smooth a trigger's pull by properly centering the Trigger, Sear, Disconnector and Hammer inside the Trigger Assembly, removing excess play and rubbing. Properly centering these parts is important for several reasons, first, to reduce friction and felt trigger pull caused by mis-alignment, second, to align the Hammer and Sear for consistent engagement, and also to prevent the Trigger from rubbing the Housing when it is pulled. 
    Field reports and feedback have all been very favorable, from an increase in smoothness to a reduction in felt pull.

    Will installing a Shim Kit give me a "Target Trigger" or "Hair Trigger" ?

    The Shim Kit will reduce friction caused by rubbing and mis-alignment. It is a key part in doing a Trigger Assembly upgrade.
    It will not by its self, give you a "Target Trigger".
    It will reduce felt trigger pull, some customers claim by a considerable amount, but I do not make these claims, only that it will reduce felt trigger pull caused by friction.

    What can I do to get a super light, smooth, Target Trigger?

    There are several steps you can take;
    The Hammer is the major culprit of a heavy trigger, followed by  friction, springs, sear, and polishing the internal parts. 
    I have a Power Custom Hammer and Sear kit in my 10/22, along with a Shim Kit, and Wolff Reduced Power Springs, and my gun measures in at just under 3 pounds of trigger pull.
    It is smooth, consistent, and has greatly increased my target scores over the stock trigger.
    All of the parts I used on my trigger upgrade are available to purchase on our web site

    How many shims should I install?

    A total of 8 shims are needed to do a complete shim job on a 10/22
    You need 2 shims for the Hammer on the Hammer Pin,  2 for the Disconnector at the Disconnector Pin, 2 for the Sear at the Trigger Pivot Pin, and 2 for the Trigger at the Trigger Pivot Pin.
    The 8 Piece Standard Shim Kit supplies all needed shims, and would prevent the trigger assembly parts from rubbing.

    Why would I need or want a 24 Piece Deluxe Shim Kit?

    Over the many years of production of the Ruger 10/22, tolerances have ranged from tight to loose. On some guns, the Standard Kit will take up excessive play in the trigger assembly, and at the very least stop the individual parts from rubbing the sides.
    On most guns, a stack up of shims will be needed to produce the ideal fit.
    The ideal fit would be to eliminate most of the side play in the trigger assembly, so that the Hammer, Sear and Disconnector would engage in the same place each time.
    You must however, leave enough play to prevent binding, at the very minimum .002" to .004" of room should be left at each pin location.


    How can I tell how many shims I will need?


    The easiest way to measure your trigger assembly is with a simple feeler gage.
    With the trigger assembly removed from the receiver, push the Hammer Pin L to R about 1/8", you do not need to remove it. Slide a feeler gage between the hammer bushing and the housing.
    Start out with .006" to .008", and work your way up .002" at a time until you find a tight fit.
    To give you an example, (see Figure 1) with a feeler gage my 10/22 had a loose .018", and a tight .019" fit. I installed two .008" shims. On my Trigger at the sear however, there was a little more room, and I ended up installing 2 .008" and 2 .002" shims. (see Figure 2)
    You will want to install an equal quantity of shims on each side, and remember, it is better to be a little loose rather than too tight!

    It is of the utmost importance not to shim too tightly!
    You will want some play, and no binding on any parts.
    You Are Solely Responsible For The Safe Operation of Your Firearm.

    I have a new "Ruger 10/22 Plastic Trigger Assembly"

    It has the bushings built into the hammer, do you have anything to help me?  -Scott


    Special shims that you can use on your stock hammer without changing it or the bushings.
    Please specify when ordering shims for "PLASTIC TRIGGER ASSEMBLY"

    Metal or Plastic Style Shim Kit?

    Choose from the Metal Trigger Housing Kit, or the Plastic/Universal Trigger Housing Kit.
    The only difference is in the Hammer Shim.
    The Metal Trigger Housing uses Ruger Hammer Bushing #B-43 so the Shim is made to fit between the Bushing and the Hammer.
    Most new style Plastic Trigger Housings use a Hammer that has the B-43 Bushing Built into the Hammer, so that Hammer Shim will fit the Hammer Pin, and be installed between the Integral Bushing B-43 and the Trigger Housing.
    Our Plastic/Universal Style Hammer Shim will fit Both Style Trigger Housings.

    10/22 Plastic Trigger and Housing Troubleshooting FAQ's


    I have a 10/22 with the new Plastic Trigger Assembly and My Trigger Won't Reset after installing Shims or a Target Hammer Kit

    Here are some things to check;
    When installing shims, if there is a lot of side play in the Sear due to the through pin hole being oversize, there is a chance the Sear could
    catch on the Disconnector Shim.
    You can check for this on installation, after you have shims installed in your Disconnector and Trigger Shims and before
    installing the Trigger, Test the Sear and Disconnector by pressing front to back to cycle them.
    They should snap crisply in both directions, even when the Sear is pushed down and to the side at the same time.
    If the Sear and Disconnector don't work properly, remove the Disconnector Shims.
    The easiest thing to do with a Plastic Housing Trigger Assembly w/ stock Sear is to leave the Disconnector Shims out.

    A Note About the Volquartsen Target Hammer VC10TH in Plastic Trigger Assemblies;

    When installing the VC10TH in a plastic trigger assembly we have found through field reports that it is best to reuse the Stock Trigger Return Spring as the one in this kit may not be heavy enough to properly reset the trigger on some plastic trigger assemblies.

    I noticed the shims are smoother on one side than the other, Why?

    I manufacture my shims with a stamping process which leaves one side smoother feeling than the other.
    I recommend for a super smooth polished shim, use a Fine Arkansas Hone, 1200 Wet/Dry Sand Paper or Crocus Cloth, put a drop of light oil on the surface of the hone and buff shim in a circular motion with the tip of your finger.
    You will be amazed how quickly you can put a super smooth custom polished finish on your shims, However, they will break-in and smooth out on their own after a little use.

    Your Wolff 10/22 Rifle Tune-up Pak includes Reduced Power Trigger and Sear Springs, but has an Extra Power Hammer Spring, why?  -Owen

    Good Question Owen, The reduced power trigger and sear spring as one would expect help to lighten the trigger pull, but the reason the hammer spring is extra power is this; the extra power hammer spring gives you a faster hammer, more consistent ignition, but most importantly less time to move off the target from the time you pull the trigger until the bullet exits the barrel.

    Volquartsen F.A.Q.'S

    How does the automatic bolt release work?

    Your stock 10/22 works like this; 
    Pull the bolt back with your right hand, with your left hand you lock the bolt in place with the little lever in front of your trigger guard- (the bolt release)
    With your stock gun; your bolt is locked open, you pull the bolt back a little, AND with your left hand you push the bolt release and let your bolt go forward.
    -If you install the Automatic Bolt Release-
    Your bolt is locked open, You pull the bolt back a little AND LET IT GO
    Thats it, Automatic Bolt Release, no funbling with that little bolt release lever to release the Bolt from the Open Position.

    Target Trigger F.A.Q'S

    I purchased a Power Custom Hammer and Sear kit, but have lost the instructions, and my Safety doesn't work.

    It is of the Utmost Importance that a firearm with a malfunctioning safety never be used.
    Instructions for installation of the Power Custom Hammer and Sear Kit are available here, (CLICK ON PICTURE TO ENLARGE) and details fitting of the Sear to the Safety, which will require hand stoning of the Sear. Without the hand stoning the Safety will appear on but the rifle will still fire. Sear must be stoned to fit to make the Safety work properly. IF YOU DO NOT FEEL COMFORTABLE DOING THIS, THE FIREARM SHOULD BE TAKEN TO A REPUTABLE GUNSMITH.

    Scope Ring F.A.Q.'S

    What size Scope Ring do I need?

    Scope Ring Guidelines Courtesy of the Leupold Company

    50mm OBJECTIVES will almost always use HIGH rings in a given style. In certain instances, such as with extremely heavy barrels or some makes of firearm, SUPER HIGH rings may be necessary.

    42-45mm OBJECTIVES will almost always use MEDIUM rings in a given style. In certain instances, 45mm scopes may require HIGH rings.

    40mm OBJECTIVES will almost always have enough clearance with LOW rings in a given style, though MEDIUM rings will give slightly more clearance, particularly when using a barrel with a thicker shank portion or a heavier contour.

    28-36mm OBJECTIVES will almost always use LOW rings in a given style. Again, in certain instances of a heavy barrel or heavy shank portion of a custom barrel, medium rings may have to be used, but LOW rings will almost always suffice.

    20-24mm OBJECTIVES will almost always be able to use LOW rings, but in some cases may also use SUPER LOW rings. In this instance, bolt handle clearance of the eyepiece will come into play more so than objective/barrel clearance and should be carefully considered.

    FAQ's Wolff Gunsprings

    Wolff GunSpring FAQ's

    Wolff GunSprings FAQ's

    My spring got shorter after I used it for a short time. Is it bad?
    Most new springs will take a set when they are first compressed. That means they will shorten up. This is a normal event and you should not be immediately alarmed. The greater the stress on the spring, generally the more set that will occur. All Wolff springs take this set into consideration. The ratings of the springs you receive are the ratings after the set has occurred. After set has taken place, the spring should remain essentially stable for the life of the spring.

    My new lighter spring is longer than the heavier spring for the same gun. Is this a problem?
    Wolff offers many springs in different weights for the same use. Factors such as the size of the wire, the number of coils, the outside diameter of the spring as well as the free length determine the strength of a particular spring. Often, lighter springs are longer than heavier springs because lighter wires and/or a different number of coils are used. Free length is then adjusted to achieve the exact strength desired.

    The new spring I purchased is longer than the original spring so I don't think it will fit.
    The free length of a spring is not the most important factor in determining whether it will fit. Many Wolff springs are longer than factory springs. This is normal and the spring will fit.

    The more important factor in determining whether a spring will fit is the number of coils in the spring times the diameter of the wire. For example, take 2 springs - one is 7 inches long and the other is 4 inches long. If both springs contain the same number of coils and use the same size wire, both springs will compress to the same solid lengths. The strengths will however be quite different but both springs will fit in the same application.

    Taurus Frame Sizes compared to S&W

    Taurus® Small Frame (Mdls 17, 85, 64, 94, 941, 605, 905) = S&W® J Frame
    Taurus® Compact Frame (Mdls TRACKER™, 617, 817 = Larger than S&W® Small Frame; Smaller than S&W® K Frame
    Taurus® Medium Frame (Mdls 65, 80, 669, 66, 82) = S&W® K Frame
    Taurus® Large Frame, (Mdls 44, 608) = Slightly Larger than S&W® N Frame
    Taurus® XLarge Frame = (Mdl Raging Bull™ Series) = Larger than S&W® N Frame, Smaller than S&W® X Frame

    A Customer Writes: Hello, I have a damaged CZ 455 Bolt Shim, Why?

    Hello My Friend,
    We have tested shims in what I call old style CZ or old generation that last easily in excess of 6000 rounds.
    This is the most delicate bolt shim we make, most of our shims have more surface area.
    *foot note 1) link below

    First, are the bolt mating surfaces square and smooth, or old, rough and worn? - Make sure they are smooth. If not, then...
    This question has an easy answer....... Too Much Pressure
    While a .005" shim will hold up to a small amount of "Too Much" force or pressure, a thin .0015" shim will not. I believe he is putting pressure on his bolt, a lot, using the bolt handle like a pry-bar in a matter of speaking.

    The headspace in a rimfire is in the bolt head recessed area for the rim. Typically it is much of if not all the SAMMI headspace in a production rifle, and it varies and with many guns but is almost always more than the rim thickness of a thin rim target ammo.

    The small space we are taking up with the shims is the free space between the bolt and the barrel breech, if any, and there is not always any excess space, I have heard of CZ rifles coming from the factory with tight bolt to breech fit, but that is unusual. Once the shim has taken up that space, ideally there should be a small amount of space left, ideally under .001" for longest shim life and safe operation.

    While a .005" shim will hold up a long time to a little excess pressure when twisting the bolt closed, a thin delicate .0015" shim will not, especially in a thin CZ 455 or Brno rifle.

    So, think about this;
    An example would be a custom gun like the American Holeshot 2500X
    *footnote 2) link below

    A competition gunsmith would set the bolt face to match the ammo, two typical match ammo rim thicknesses are .041" and .043" He would fit the barrel to the bolt, with no excess headspace, no shims needed or used. If a gunsmith set this gun to .043" that is the sorted rim thickness the shooter would use. If the shooter wanted to change ammo to a .041" rim thickness he would install our .002" shim. Or, If his gun was set up for .041" and he wanted to change to .043" rim thickness, he would install a barrel shim to go the other way.
    However, at no time would he put excess pressure closing the bolt handle, just the most gentle touch if any at all, as I noted in my installation instructions, quoted here;

    For Longest Shim Life use a drop of oil or a (very small amount of) grease on your shim.
    If you have to force or put undue stress on your bolt to close it, you should reduce the number of shims.
    A minimum of clearance should be maintained, while maintaining proper headspace.
    Do Not put undue stress on the bolt by shimming too tightly as it is unnecessary!
    At no time do you want to force the bolt to close, did I explain that clearly?
    If you have any question, use a headspace gauge to check for proper headspace.

    I absolutely guarantee my shims, you can send it to me with $1 U.S. or $2 International for return postage and I will replace it, But, the shim is not the problem.
    Best Regards, Lance
    517 499 5366


    1) Longevity Results

    2) Holeshot Arms 2500X Single Shot .22lr Action

    3) LANCE'S TECH TIP: Rimfire Bolt Shim Installation General Guide

    Volquartsen Parts for TC/22
    The compatibility of aftermarket parts between the Ruger® 10/22® and the Thompson/Center® T/CR22® is no different.  The TG2000 Trigger Group does fit, the only drawback of utilizing TG2000 is the bolt hold open feature found on the T/CR22® would be eliminated.
    VC10TH Target Hammer for the 10/22 will drop right into the factory trigger group, and is approximate 3 lb pull.
    VC10BR Automatic Bolt Release will also fit the factory trigger group.
    The Competition Bolt is a complete drop-in replacement for the TCR/22® receiver.
    VC10EE Exact Edge Extractor, SureStrike Firing Pin, and Extended Bolt Handle all work together or as separate items.

    v.1t Item # FG161D

    TECH TOOL TIP: USA Feeler Gauge

    USA Feeler Gauge Set

    The easiest way to Measure your Trigger or Hammer assembly or your Cylinder Endshake is with a simple blade type feeler gauge.
    I sell a Nice U.S.A. Made set you can include in your orders.
    It comes with a Manufacturers Lifetime Warranty
    This 32 Blade Gauge will measure from .0015" up and is perfect for general use.
    The price is $16.95 and includes Free First Class Shipping and Tracking USA

    Price includes Free Shipping and Tracking in USA Only ~ Sorry No Exports ~


    ~ SHIMS ONLY ~
    ~ $5.00 U.S. Tracking UPGRADE ~

    NOW Includes
    ~ USA ONLY ~

    Upgrade from FREE ECONOMY MAIL to
    Bubble Pak w/ Tracking

    (Shims Only) Orders - Add TRACKING $5.00 - USA ONLY

    Shim orders DO NOT include Tracking!

    THIS IS FOR SHIMS - ALL OTHER ORDERS Include this Upgrade

    ~Click the ADD TO CART button below ANYTIME BEFORE WE SHIP SHIMS~

    Enter Customer Shipping Name Below

    * USPS Ground Advantage™ Service
    * Replacement for items lost or damaged during shipping

    ~Click Here~ for U.S. PRIORITY Mail



    We Cheerfully accept Cash, Money Order, and Credit Cards through our Secure PayPal Check-Out

    All Website Orders are Shipped the Next Business Day

    I will Ship Shims to USA, Canada and International

    Gun Parts Shipped to USA Only

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    "American Made Gun Shims" - -
    TriggerShims is a Trademark
    Shively Sales
    Michigan Center, Michigan

    All Material Copyright of Lance Shively
    2008 ~ 2025

    God Bless and Make America Great Again!


    If you have any questions or safety concerns, see a qualified Gunsmith.

    I manage this site myself, Please Report Any Website Problems to;
    Lance at

    Republic.... I like the sound of the word. It means people can live free, talk free, go or come, buy or sell, be drunk or sober, however they choose. Some words give you a feeling. Republic is one of those words that makes me tight in the throat - the same tightness a man gets when his baby takes his first step or his first baby shaves and makes his first sound as a man. Some words can give you a feeling that makes your heart warm. Republic is one of those words. - John Wayne in the Alamo